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Full moons are a time for releasing, a time of letting go.   It is a time of releasing the old that is no longer working.  Remember that the Full Moon energy last a day and half on each side of the peak!  During this time period the energies effect us even longer as they are part of a continued build up of energies moving us into the “new”.  Go deep into yourself, your foundations and old perceptions and observe what is no longer working for you.  What is no longer vibrating where you are vibrating?   It is a time of purging and releasing in all areas of your life.   With this Taurus Full Moon (Moon opposite a Scorpio Sun) we are asked to confront our fears, even those that are deep in our Soul and release what no longer serves us.  Taurus is ruled by Venus and Venus is about beauty, love, relationships and creativity.  Taurus energy loves comfort and the beauty of nature and is quite creative.  Taurus wants you to have a healthy and spiritual relationship with the physical world.  Taurus is also about your core values and living by them.  Taurus is about your self-worth including security, money and how you obtain money.  What areas do you need to look at and release that are not vibrating with your value system…..your core….your Soul.

On the gray side…. Taurus can be quite stubborn…..materialistic…. and there is a tendency to be reclusive.  In what areas of life do you tend to withdraw and become stubborn about….. that you now need to release?

Taurus is ruled by Venus and therefore it is accenting the theme of love, and the balancing of the feminine and the male, the yin and the yang energies, that is and has been a major theme from the Universe during this time.  It is time to release ways in which you are not balancing the feminine and the male energies and any energies and situations that are out of balance.   These need to be in balance for Ascension, and for the “New”

During this Taurus Full Moon….Venus (the ruler of this Taurus Full Moon) is sitting with Pluto (the planet of transformation).  Pluto (transformation, deep Soul work) is part of the Cardinal Square (stressful energy, friction) with Uranus (planet of constant change, community, thinking outside the box) which is actually a Cardinal T-Square during this Full Moon… as Ceres (rites of passage, fertility) moves in to square Pluto and oppose Uranus.   Venus is about Love and Relationships.   Venus sitting with Pluto is about transformation in all your relationships. It is time to go deep into your Soul…..think about, mediate, on all your relationships.  Love relationships, Family relationships and dynamics, Work relationships.    The Universe is asking us to Release, during this Full Moon and to start moving  away from…People, Places and Things… that are no longer vibrating were you are vibrating, and to do it in the most loving way.  We are moving towards community (Uranus), the oneness……but the Universe is saying that those situations that are no longer serving you on your path to Ascension…..that are not vibrating where you are… need to distance from, so that you can continue to grow and move forward.   As we continue to grow and move forward towards the “New” ….towards ascension….we bring to the community those energies…. so that others can see/feel them…. and then they can make choices…. to move forward into the ascension energies and join back up with us.   With Venus joining Pluto and squaring Uranus….it is bringing out the energies of revolution and evolution…..asking us to make changes and redefine the rules of partnerships, and all relationships (including family and work), with an emphases on balance, cooperation, integrity and respect!

Over the last few months the energies have been very intense……very transformative…..very chaotic.    Remember that  the Universe is saying .…no lies, no secrets, no out of bounds ego, no manipulation etc…….so the Universe is putting things right in our faces (this includes the government and international, corporate etc.) so that we can see them, so that we have to acknowledge them and take action.   We have to be able to “see” them….before we can Heal them.   We have to look at them….feel them…realize that it isn’t going to go away until we take a step, take action and make the changes we need to make.   It is not easy….it can be chaotic, stressful, and emotionally draining……but the Universe is also giving us everything we need to make the changes so we can move forward into the “new”.

 Full Moons also ask us to balance and integrate 2 opposing signs.  So with this Full Moon we have the Taurus Moon opposed by the Scorpio Sun.  We talked about Taurus energy above, so with Scorpio we have the energy of intensity and passion.  It is about going deep into your Soul, and the mysteries that surround yourself and the Earth.  Scorpio is a water sign and is very intuitive/psychic, and is drenched in emotions and insights. Scorpio is also about power, natural shamanism, the taboo, natural healing, Earth spirituality, psychic gifts, money, sacred sex and Trust.  Scorpio represents the transformation of our Soul’s and the Soul of the Earth. With this Full Moon we have the ability to bring into balance the higher Scorpio energies and then ground them into our everyday lives (Taurus).   Watch out for the gray side of Scorpio during this Full Moon....which is…jealousy, manipulation, control, judgment, lies, secrets, possessiveness etc.

We are being asked to clarify what we cherish in our lives, and what we need to transform.  We are learning to balance security with evolution and change.  We are learning to not become reclusive with our resources, but to share them in community.  We are being asked to balance the Male (Scorpio) & Feminine (Taurus), the Yin & Yang energies etc..  We are being asked to look at our values.  We are being asked to see through our awareness, that what has form (Taurus) is based upon the unseen but deeply felt (Scorpio).

With Saturn also in Scorpio and in mutual reception with Pluto (Pluto also rules Scorpio )…..we have a focus on the “Wisdom of the Elders”. The “Wisdom of the Elders”…. all elders…. now and in the past…. is emphasized.  Our family elders…..our elders of knowledge and the arts etc. that have gone before us…… the Indigenous elders……and the elders (knowledge) from the ancient star systems that have played such an important part in the ancient times of Egypt, the Mayans, the Aztec’s etc.,  as the knowledge left behind, from when we had open communication with the ancients and the star systems, is now becoming even more important and is beginning to be recognized.

During this Taurus Full Moon we have the ancient star systems of Sirius, the Pleiades, Vega, and the Super Galactic Center all being activated by Pluto, Jupiter, Ceres, and the Full Moon!   Wow…..the Universe is speaking loudly here.  The Universe wants us to open up to and receive the knowledge etc. from the “Wisdom of our Elders” that have come from (or sent knowledge) the Ancient Star Systems…. to us on Earth to help us evolve and create the “new”.   Not only in ancient times….but those of us that are in touch with the “wisdom of these Elders” now.  Through our history we have knowledge of the Sirians through  the Ancient Egyptians, the Dogon tribe in Mali Africa, and the Maori in New Zealand who trace their ancestry to Sirius.   The Pleiades were used by the Mayan’s and the Egyptians to orientated their temples and their pyramids towards. Vega is in the constellation Lyre. This is obviously musical and can be alluring. Music is the international language.  So with Pluto activating Vega, and Jupiter (high knowledge, joy, masters, international, expansion) activating Sirius, the Full Moon activating the Pleiades, we have a very powerful message from the universe that is not only for us and our Galaxy, but for all Galaxies …as we have Ceres (fertility, and our rights of passage) sitting on the Super Galactic Center where our Galaxies and  30 some other Galaxies rotate around.   This is a Powerful message from the Universe.  Meditate on this….what does it mean for you?    Are there beliefs that you now need to release, so you can move beyond and embody these wisdoms from our elders?

 What is deep in your Soul that needs transformed?  What do you need to release at this Full Moon in the areas of jobs, family dynamics, relationships, old habits, old thought processes, in your life?  What have you out grown that you now need to move away from?

During this time you may be faced with some uncomfortable things that you may have to deal with, in all areas of life.  However, with the Moon in Taurus, there can be some peace and serenity in the midst of Scorpio’s passionate emotions. There can be opportunities for inspiration and joy.  Release joyfully through the arts, music, community events and the Earth.  A Full Moon in Taurus wants us to get out of heads and into the comforts of home and the earth. A Taurus Full Moon would like for us to enjoy what we have and be grateful for it.

 The Earth is also feeling the energies……the strongest tropical cyclone in world history hit the Philippines about a week ago, killing over 3000.  Volcano’s also are erupting… is in western Indonesia.  Plus many other weather events, earthquakes etc.   The Earth is also purging.

Take time to enjoy the night sky……the Taurids meteor shower is still giving us a little show, however it is very hard to see during a bright Full Moon.  Also watch  the sky for the Comet ISON.  Starting in November through December and we go through the steam again in January.   Comets are sometimes referred to as possibly carrying microscopic alien life forms within their space dust.   Both Venus and Jupiter are shinning very bright in the night sky.   Let their energy sprinkle down on you as you gaze at their beauty.

 It is time to Connect and sit with the Earth during this Full Moon.  Feel her energy…… by looking out a window if the weather is getting colder……you can still connect with her energy that way.   Put your hands in the dirt of one of your plants…..feel the Earth energy?     Meditate during this powerful time.  We are still incorporating and embodying the energies of the last several powerful events.  Meditate on how to release some of the chaos that is happening to us or around us.   This Full Moon is also activating and building upon the energies we have just gone through.  Meditate and Manifest and create a beautiful world for yourself, and a peaceful awakening for humanity.

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. Learn how they activate your chart through an Astrological Reading.  Knowing how they are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make choices, and use the energies in the highest way.

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2013  Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved.



Cathy Lindsey

Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology