Let us look now at your month of June, the time when you begin your summers where you are currently located. This is a time where you are celebrating. We find it interesting that you choose your celebration time periods based on the weather around you and not based on the energies around you. You will be seeing in your month of June as many shiftings as you saw in May but for different reasons in different ways. We told you that in May you would be working with the concept of fire and volcanoes, and you have seen all of that coming to pass. Now, by the time you get into your month of June, you will be working with water. Now, when you work with water, you must recognize that you will be working with emotionality in ways you never have before. Some of the events happening around fire will be linked directly to water, and some of the events around water will be linked directly to fire. We say these things to make you aware of how volatile things can be, and yet, at the same time, how easy it is to put things out. Do not, do not, do not think you are weak or unable to make change. Each and every individual upon your planet has incredible power. Most do not understand nor accept nor are able to use it in ways that allow you the joy that we can see you are capable of celebrating. You are too caught up in negative.
The month of your June, what you will be looking at with these water issues will be not just coastal but also inland, so there will be even more flooding. You already have seen it. You will see more. There will be more freak storms, and in some cases even in June with weather you would not expect from your summer time. Each time you are made yourself aware of an event which has happened that appears to be an anomaly, we will ask you to look once again at the area that has been struck and ask yourself what is it that created this, what is it that this area either needed to be cleansed of or fertilized by, for you will find your answer.
You will also find in your month of June, that there will be great shiftings of opinion from one place to another. You will be discovering that it is all not a circumstance of all black or all white, but rather, it is a circumstance of all grey, and the grey will need to be defined in ways it has never been defined before. The reason we say these things is because you must be working cooperatively as a species, as a planet in order to realign yourself with the energy that comes and shifts on a regular basis. Kryon mentioned that the entire year would be like full moon crazies, and here you are proving those lines to be correct. June is not an exception to that particular rule.
The other thing to be aware of in your month of June is the understanding that … There are people you are associated with who would insist on doing things in a particular way. We have no objections, of course. We will say to you if you are not comfortable in doing those things in that particular way, to please do not join with those peoples. We are not saying their way is incorrect. We are rather saying that their way may not be correct for your way.
You will be receiving information from various groups in the month of your June. This information will be coming to you in symbolic ways. The symbolism some will know, some will not. Now that certain things have been freed, we will say it will be important for everyone, and we mean everyone, to be more aware of how they are feeling about a given situation and what they could do to feel better and then act upon that betterment. We say these things for you to become more aware of when you work from just knee jerk, and many of you are still doing that even though we have spoken of this in the past.
~ The Many ~