NSA stores metadata of millions of web users for up to a year, secret files show

Rain's picture


The Guardian - James Ball, 9/30/13


NSA internet network cable

Any computer metadata picked up by NSA collection systems is routed to the Marina database, the guide explains. Photograph: Felix Clay

The National Security Agency is storing the online metadata of millions of internet users for up to a year, regardless of whether or not they are persons of interest to the agency, top secret documents reveal.

Metadata provides a record of almost anything a user does online, from browsing history – such as map searches and websites visited – to account details, email activity, and even some account passwords. This can be used to build a detailed picture of an individual's life.

More: The Guardian.com





This is ratter

Mario's picture

Technology, maybe synchronicity is part of something bigger than imaginable and they have the info about it but they are unsure of what it is capable of doing and then my link to


That explains parts from a long time ago relates to it, some of the nsa agents must be going insane, and other's must be very intelligent in matter's of what goe's on and other's is from belief's and all of this is part of a neutralized state in which I suspect they all come from as me to? so does this start to make any sense?