An Ocean of Feeling by Mark Borax

Lia's picture

In recent days seven out of fifteen planets have been in Pisces.  It's an unusual situation for seven planets to be in one sign, and for that sign to be the deepest of all twelve. Pisces is as deep as the sea, which in places can seem bottomless. When so many forces gather below they activate the hidden depths our lives are based on.


The deepest depths our lives are based on stretch back into past lives, for very few of us are here for our first time around. Most of us have been here before, and though we rarely recall those lives, their unresolved feelings are compressed in the under layers; subterranean regions of the soul now being activated by the powerful Piscean activation.


pisces This means that feelings are being stirred on very deep levels, as our species is being pushed through the karmic wringer. This raises the issue therapists refer to as "stacking" -- when you suppress unresolved feelings in many different areas until they reach critical mass and something completely unrelated is liable to set you off. Imagine the principle of stacking applied to issues not only left over from before, but also from your past lives, and you get something that looks like the current human experience on planet earth. 


We are being stirred around in the cosmic gumbo along with whatever has been denied, and we have some powerful changing to do if we're going to transmute these layers. First, we need a new story of Love to replace tales of bigotry, lack and fear. Doesn't it seem insane that nations still act as if the only way to become safe is to get more and more weapons? The same principle applies to individuals, who arm themselves against vulnerability by hiding within that fortress deep and mighty that Paul Simon sang about in "I Am a Rock."


Somehow the truth of truth and the truth of love have to penetrate deeper than unresolved tales of fear and lack. With so many planets moving through oceanic Pisces, our karmic waters are being zapped by rays of growth and change.  The way you respond depends upon how willing you are to subject yourself to deep tissue psychic massage. If you soften, open and let the change roll in, then you will gain fantastic momentum to grow beyond the cocoon of the past. If you harden and rigidify, you'll trap the old feelings in one more time, and only have to return to deal with them another day -- when they're more compacted.

  Shedding Everything but Love in the Year of the Snake:  Download the PDF file to read this Transcript in full. 
  Who Are You Really?  What Are You Here For?
 How Much Longer Are You Going To Wait?  
Mark Borax is a Soul Level Astrologer and bestselling author who lives in Vermont and writes the monthly Cosmic Weather Report email newsletter. He offers readings over the telephone and in person and classes that catalyze individual evolution.





Mario's picture

When I was about 4 years old I got a visual of one of my past lives, I was a dog haha it was amazing!!


I share because I remembered haha,