An Open Letter to the Leaders of Every Government Around the World: Please, Just Tell us the Truth in 2014! By Stephen Cook, January 1, 2014

Stephen's picture

Today, I asked our world leaders to do one thing in 2014 - tell us the truth in every moment of now. You can watch, listen to and read my letter for truth via any of the links below.
Please help this important message to go viral. Via email to friends and family; post it on Facebook; link to it on Twitter; post it on your blogs;  and, send to others, anyway you can.
Send it to your leaders in local, state and national governments, no matter where you live.
Let’s all ensure our leaders tell us the truth all the time in 2014.

Here's the  link to the original letter at Golden Age of Gaia:

Here's the link to the audio-only version:

With gratitude for whatever you feel guided to do!
