July 27, 2012
by Gillian
Oracle Report | First Quarter Moon Phase – Moon in Scorpio
Yesterday’s energy of facing choices continues today. The choices involve the established versus the innovative. The world at large is undergoing a process of correction, where outworn structures and systems based on restriction are toppling, and fresher, more expansive structures are replacing them. This is happening to each of us, too!
The “Turning Point” that I’ve been talking about all month is a major part of this. But the interesting thing is that the best elements of the old structures are being carried through into the new structures. So we are not re-inventing things (and ourselves) totally from scratch. We do have foundations. If you are struggling with your emotions today, release the pressure you are putting on yourself and give it over the planet to recycle into energy that serves your highest and best. Remember that we have a wide open line of communication with Earth through tomorrow, July 28, at 10:30 am EDT.
Speaking of speaking with the planet, did you find it harder than you thought it would be? This is normal and it is because the line is so strong. You felt the enormity of her being. When the focus of a divine being such as her is tuned to you, it can be quite intimidating. Just remember that you are her creation. Each of us is part of a grand vision of art that she created to wake up and join her in the creation – living art that interacts with the artist. So you are not only worthy to be on the line of communication, but she eagerly awaits what you have to say. It works best if you approach her with joyous spontaneity. Reverence is good, but solemnity is a total bore.