Oracle Report ~ Monday, August 6, 2012

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Aries

Today is the last day of Mercury's retrograde.  It will station direct at 2:07 am EDT (6:07 am UTC) tomorrow.  This has been an especially difficult Mercury retrograde, coming during the Turning Point when things changed for everyone.  It has made communication very difficult and has amplified the anger that Mars, Pluto, and Uranus have caused to swell.  Today, in order to avoid frustration and setting ourselves up for distress, be aware that there isn't much we are going to be able to do about things.  We are immobilized with neither mental or physical control.  It's also a challenge between closing off areas of life or overplaying them.  This will all pass tomorrow, but resisting it today will only make things more difficult.  Emotional reactions are going to be hard to contain, and people will become fired up very easily.  But don't suppress your emotions either, because this will have health consequences.  We can feel our emotions without acting them out.  If you are struggling, as many who are writing to me right now are, and the pain is too much to bear, go outside and give it to our higher power.  The Earth is what is causing this recalibration to our energetic fields (our DNA, our frequency - however you want to put it), and she knows what it is like for us.  It's a process that must happen, so surrender to it today as much as possible.  Don't make final decisions today.  Tomorrow's energy will be much different and will offer a fresh perspective. 

