Oracle Report ~ Saturday, July 28 - Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Saturday, July 28 - Sunday, July 29, 2012


Saturday:  First Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Sagittarius

Sunday:  Gibbous Moon Phase:  Moon in Sagittarius

The Sun catches up with Mercury, which is retrograde, this weekend, causing difficulties with interpersonal communications, telecommunications, travel, and electronic devices.  In addition to "ruling" communications, Mercury is mental energy and its conjunction with the Sun has us looking at the big picture for ourselves.  The trouble with this is we have one more hinge of the Turning Point coming up on Monday, so it really is too early to come to conclusions about our big pictures.  While it will be nearly impossible to completely suspend mental chatter and analysis of where we are and where we are going (the Turning Point energy is changing our perspectives, perception, and directions), there isn't any point in obsessing over anything.  We want the big picture but we won't have it until after Monday.

Things that happen this weekend have the potential to go deep and go too far.  Don't let it get that way.  This is a set-up for the Moon making the conjunction with Pluto on Monday - the final hit of the cardinal energy that has dominated this month.  Stay in the present and attach to the lofty, supernatural energy of the Moon transiting Sagittarius. Learn something.  Follow your heart's desire.  The weekend's energy can take us into the muck or into the clouds.  Our choice.  Take a break and find the simple pleasures of life.  Otherise, if you get in a hurry, Mercury is going to kick in and wreak havoc until you slow down again.

