The Oracle Report Thursday, January 3, 2013

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The Oracle Report



Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Virgo/Libra

Mercury makes a square to Uranus today and this means we want to take care with what we say to others.  Things come out of our mouths before thinking.  Knee-jerk responses are common.  Usually this aspect brings out things that are just under the surface, waiting to be heard.  Some people will take this to the extreme and use intimidation.  We have the added influence of still being in the Disseminating Moon phase - the time of the lunar month when we are directed to share our thoughts, feelings, and ideas with others.  Unexpected news or disclosures are possible.  Communication is the highlight today, but everything needs to be softened up and nurtured.  This energy has harsh effects.  We can moderate this with simplicity and getting back to basics.  Show you care or show your affection if faced with a harsh circumstance.

There is a second element at work today and it involves our level of happiness, more specifically it involves attempts to self-sabotage our happiness.  Our happiness with ourselves and our happiness with relationships are the focus.  It will be very easy to shoot one of our own arrows at ourselves today and screw up.  This is the energy that will be pushed.  We are forewarned, therefore we are disarmed.  Don't take aim at yourself.  By virtue of being alive and on the planet, you deserve happiness.  Happiness is a state of being, it isn't what one has or does.  It comes from the simple things in life.  It is having love for yourself as a creation of Sophia and radiating that feeling out around you.  Sometimes happiness is active and sometimes it is calm.  Sometimes it blazes like a wildfire and sometimes it's the glowing ember.  Today is more of the glowing ember.  That ember is your feeling of being home.  Remember - we "glow home."  Let's burn slowly today.
