Oracle Report ~ Thursday March 28 2013~ Full Moon Phase ~ Moon in Libra/Scorpio

Lia's picture

March 28, 2013

Thank you to Gillian


Astrology defines electromagnetic energies that planets emit, paying special attention to the times when the planets make angles with each other. The angles cause unique effects in and of themselves. They have lives of their own.

Today we have complex and powerful angles. The effects will be clearly and in many cases dramatically visible.

In general:

  • people will be attempting to communicate to heal a place they feel vulnerable, but this will be rather difficult to accomplish
  • vast and raw power is present in this confluence of energies; struggles with it are demonstrated by ego issues; leave the ego behind
  • humility and a softer approach is the directive in all actions, but the principle of freedom is at the heart of all matters and manifests a purer or more refined effect on anything that comes from this mindset
  • a feeling of being on heightened alert or in a defensive posture is natural and it is good because it is a close contact with Gaia-Sophia today; however, we need to maintain fluidity because there is no real and true danger (since we are part of the collective and the collective will experience this energy in many ways – often through fear of rejection or disapproval -it is good to be aware. We always maintain a strong shield.)
  • relationships are definitely a focus of this and issues related to love, sex, power, and control are intertwined; Gaia-Sophia will use these electromagnetic frequencies (which are Archontically-dictated) to her end. At this particular time she is engaged in orchestration of a massive upgrade to the human experiment in order to make modifications and co-create with the experiment itself (us). The upgrade begins on April 10, 2013 (the New Moon in Aries). We do not need to worry about anything (as the energy would tend to have us do if we didn’t know what was happening. Hacking the matrix is good, huh?).

As always, find beauty and respite in nature.
