Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Gibbous Moon Phase - Moon in Taurus/Gemini
Since I described today's energy yesterday in preparation, there isn't much more that I can say. I have re-posted the breakdown below. If things get to be too intense for you, the best thing to do is go outside and reinforce your connection with Gaia. It may help to remember that in the midst of all of this, our frequencies are being raised.
- The Sun will oppose the Black Moon and Jupiter: Our shadow sides will be tempted to engage. This is one of the ways darker forces are trying to trick us out of our journey with Sophia. You'll know this is happening if you start to doubt yourself or feel down on yourself or feel like giving up on something. Knowing that the tendency is for our buttons to be pushed, we can opt out of that. The themes will be rejection/acceptance/approval. This energy will be strongest for those with the Black Moon in Gemini (see appendix of my book on the Black Moon on the Books tab if you don't know which sign your natal Black Moon is located in - the book is free) since the Black Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Gemini right now.
- Mars will conjunct Pluto: People will react to this by being impulsive and agressive. It is very, very strong energy. It's the energy of rage, but it is also the energy of empowerment. Dark forces will use it to empower their dark magic, but we will use it to power our communication with the planet and our participation in her vision. It will be easier than normal to tune in and radiate harmony in the middle of this chaos, so that is what we will do. We will do our best to take care of others, be generous, and inspire light.
- Venus will conjunct Saturn: Deep issues within interpersonal relationships are triggered. This will cause some people to want to run away or escape the situation. But wonderful things can be uncovered/discovered if we are willing to take a closer look. It means going way beneath the surface and it might feel scary to be so far down, but it will be worth it. Taking a risk or a plunge is supported with this.
- The Moon will oppose the Activation Point of this month's New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse before it goes to a Full Moon/Eclipse on Wednesday. How this manifests for you depends on what you seeded/intended at the New Moon. We began the month of our spiritual vision quest at that time and now something is going to come to us to enlighten/awaken/empower that intention. We will be able to integrate some sort of personal insight. A synchronicity may reveal the additon of a new animal helper. It's important to maintain our attention to our surroundings.