'Organic' from China exposed: The shocking truth about 'organic' foods grown in the world's worst environmental cesspool

Desert Gypsy's picture

GFP Note: After posting this we had readers point out some inconsistencies in the article (as well as a rather racist part). We encourage people to take this with a grain of salt, there's no confirmation of many of the claims. It also says US organics are "legitimate", yet the USDA just recently approved anti-biotics for use in "organic" food (source).


Natural News.com-2.21.2013, Mike Adams




(NaturalNews) When it comes to foods, superfoods and even nutritional supplements from China, "organic" is largely a hoax. This is my opinion, of course, but I've been researching the issue quite extensively as the key decision maker for new products in the Natural News Store. And I've come to the conclusion that "organic" from China is largely a fraud. Here's why...

First off, you're going to be shocked to learn that there is no limit to how much mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and aluminum is allowed in "organic" products.

For more information on this story click here.

