While this will obviously need some further context and explanation, I place it here simply to say "hello" to your 5th dimensional consciousness. These are not my words to you, these are your words to yourself; they are not from me to you, they are From You To You.
(See more at www.FromYouToYou.com)
Journal 8, Entry 18
Orgasm without guilt is proof of God.[i]
But orgasm with guilt is proof of Satan, is proof that God is dead. For if the guilty can experience the profound pleasure of orgasm, then surely God is powerless. He with such power would never allow the guilty this degree of pleasure. And so pleasure, to the guilty, becomes the undeserved reward that proves God is dead.
Yet without guilt do the innocent see nothing more than what is rightfully theirs; they see nothing more than their natural inheritance. For without guilt, all pleasure but speaks to the existence and Love of God. Pleasure is our reward for seeing and knowing that God is Alive and Real.
Thus do sex and orgasm hold so much power over us.
For if we are guilty, sex is not deserved, orgasm is not deserved, and both must therefore be earned, must be sacrificed for, and must be feared. For pleasure of this degree is dangerous; and only to be enjoyed with one person, only one, or else it becomes wrong, becomes Sin, and becomes proof that God is powerless to stop us from selfishly seeking pleasure we do not deserve!
Yet does God continue to allow us to orgasm daily, even hourly if we choose. And with whomever we want and however many we want. Thus does this arrogant prick of Our Father continue to bestow upon us freedom we have not earned, thus does He continue to give us pleasure we do not deserve.
Do You See?
This is how guilt or innocence is projected and perceived simultaneously. This is how the world is either Heaven or Hell depending only and utterly on which you’d have it be; depending only and utterly on which you choose to see. For you are either Guilty or Innocent, either Sinful or Perfect, and it is up to you to Accept What You Are or to try and change yourself; it is up to you to Accept Reality or to create illusion; it is up to you to See Satan or to See God.
Your guilt is thus experienced the very moment you believe guilt possible.
For guilt is only justified if God has been damaged or defeated or insulted in some way. Have your sins done this? Have your undeserved orgasms threatened the power of God? Does your unearned pleasure demonstrate the triumph of Satan? This is to say:
Does your Freedom mean that Evil has won?
Don’t you see? It is only Satan who tells you these things. For it is only Satan who believes them. Satan believes that God’s will has been usurped because Satan is guilty. And if Satan were guilty, then indeed would God’s will have been usurped.
It is Satan’s innocence – and yours – that but proves that God’s will has not been usurped. And it is your Eternal Freedom and Sinlessness that but attests to and demonstrates the Eternal Will of God.
Thus Choose to See Love.
Choose to See God.
And then you will experience orgasm without guilt. Then you will experience pleasure without guilt. Then you will experience life without guilt. And then, and only then…
Will you have Experienced God.
[i] I’m quite convinced this is one of the coolest (and most profound) things I’ve ever written. This explains so well for me the power that orgasm and sex have over us…especially in relation to concepts such as “rape” and all the emotional and spiritual baggage it brings. Imagine child molestation and feel all that emotion. Well that emotion is precisely what this explains.
This can be read in context at: www.journals.fromyoutoyou.com/category/journal-8/page/2
"I see your true colors
"I see your true colors shining thru, I see your true colors and thats why I love. So dont be afraid to let them show, your true colors, true colors..."
Love Nageeta