When people say they found God, do they realize they've only found a part of themselves? We are all a part of God, within us all lies the Divine spark of Mother Father God. We are not God's worshipers, we are all his children, and like a family we must honor, respect, and bask in each others greatness. Once you've found God, you should have found yourself. For God .doesn't exist in the skies, God exists in our Hearts. Our Hearts are pure, unconditional Love, now I ask you is God judgmental? No, God is unconditional Love. So, where else could God be? Well, no other than in our Hearts, dear Ones. If God resigns in our Hearts, then where must the Kingdom of Heaven be? It must be in our Hearts! If this Peace and Happiness is what you seek, then go within and find yourself. Be ware, here you will find God, but remember you won't have to worship, but only acknowledge. The best part of all you will unleash a Godly being. But whom? Why yourself, for we are all the children of God