Pam Younghans ~ NorthPoint Astrology Journal ~ 1 May 2013

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Highlighted Aspects this Week

Wednesday: Mercury enters Taurus, Pluto trine Sun; Thursday: Jupiter semisquare Mercury, Chiron sextile Sun; Friday: Neptune sextile Mercury; Sunday: Saturn opposite Mercury, Uranus square Ceres, Pluto trine Mars, Uranus semisquare Venus

LL THINGS CONSIDERED, these first few days of May look like they contain the energies for some positive developments, primarily since the Sun and Mercury, both now in Taurus, are making helpful trine aspects to Pluto.

As you may recall, Pluto’s influence can be strongly transformational — but when Pluto is in flowing aspect to the Sun and Mercury, we are more able to adapt to those transformative waves of energy, and to wrap our minds around their meanings without becoming too overwhelmed.

I SAY “all things considered” because we are, after all, in eclipse season, and also building to the next Pluto-Uranus square (exact May 20). Many are feeling the stress of those planetary influences, especially if they occur at important points in our natal astrological charts.

Still, I am pleased to see the number of planets in Taurus growing, simply because Taurus is a slower-moving sign. This can have the effect of slowing the rate of change, so that our brains and bodies (physical, emotional and spiritual) should more easily adapt to the energetic shifts underway.

WE ARE completing the lunar cycle that included last Thursday’s Full Moon Eclipse. These two weeks until the New Moon Eclipse on May 9 are meant to be a time of release and completion, especially of long-standing patterns of thought and action that have kept us in drama or fear.

The Last Quarter Moon is Thursday, May 2, at 4:14am PDT. This marks Thursday as a day for extra attention to those issues needing completion and resolution — a good day to go through our closets (literally and figuratively) and throw out anything that represents the past we are leaving behind.

JUPITER’S SEMISQUARE to Mercury on Thursday may stir some worries, but Neptune’s sextile to Mercury on Friday should help us release those concerns and step into greater trust in the process, even with the Saturn-Mercury opposition that becomes exact on Sunday.

Saturn is the voice of reason and reality, but can also insert a bit of pessimism if we’re not careful. If you run into obstacles this weekend, do your best to use this Saturn influence to refine your plans.

I OFTEN USE the metaphor of pruning a tree to describe Saturn’s effect, because we become aware of branches that are not contributing to the ideal growth of the tree. In other words, we realize how we are expending our energy in ways that do not help us reach an important goal.

Our task, with Sunday’s Saturn-Mercury opposition, is to review our current energy expenditures — especially those energy leaks caused by worry or outdated thought patterns — and to prune out those that are not in alignment with our ultimate goal.

AS WE DO THAT PRUNING, we are more able to take advantage of the powerful Pluto-Mars trine, also exact on Sunday. This aspect enhances the transformative influence of Pluto and also energizes the courage of Mars.

If we’ve been successful in pruning out the energy-drains, and focus on the passion we feel about our project or our process, we can make leaps and bounds forward with this Pluto-Mars energy to propel us .

Then, as the Moon enters Aries later in the day (6:03pm PDT), we are primed to launch with the new week, supported by all the energy and inspiration of that first zodiac sign.


Pam / link to original article
