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Edmond DanteLike  Edmond Dante  Published on Jan 18, 2011

It seems strange that our lives should end in such a terrible place in such a terrible way, but for years the ruling elite has coerced humanity into death and destruction so they benefit where we die horrible deaths, I put roses in the sea and hope for peace and apologise to no one. I like many of you shall die here on this destructive speck of dust in a gigantic universe. Every inch of me and you shall perish. Every inch, but one. An inch or a molecule of love. It is small and it is fragile and it is the only thing in the world worth having. We must never lose it or give it away without feeling. We must NEVER let them ( Elite) take it from us. I hope that whoever you are, one day you escape this awful place. I hope that the world turns and sees an end to the passing of greed for profit, and that things get better for the rest of humanity. But what I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that, even though I do not know you, and even though I will never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, hold you in my arms, or kiss you, I love you. With all my heart, I love you.

What ever your job colour creed,who ever you worship, humanity was born free and independent, you are a beautiful unique individual don't die a copy, you have been conditioned to hate one another to live in constant fear, we are at a dark cross road we can choose to continue on this destructive path or we can change direction we can end this madness this tyranny.

The money spent on war could cloth, feed and house every human on this planet, we are forced to give all the worlds wealth to 13 bloodline families that have ruled us for centuries,they care not about us they only crave power and wealth and achieve this through our suffering, our children deserve more out of life, let us start to give them that and stop fueling the corporate rulers, I don't advocate violence but there comes a time in ones life when humanity is faced with such oppression and unjust violence that we are left but with only one road to freedom.

Soldiers, police brothers and sisters, we must unite and stop fighting each other that is what they want that is what they desire to further erode our freedoms, we are many they are few god speed.

My father told me before he died that humans fall into unbelief only after they follow their evil-commanding carnal souls and silence their conscience. ... feelings of blessing, even after thousands of years of rule by force, and why the unjust tyrants of human history are always cursed to fail.


Artist:  Evanescence

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