1) affect the Earthly realms and this broader (reflected) reality and
2) are affected by our reality.
It is quantum in it's simultaneous and dynamic force in this Shift. Hence what you believe is necessary and available in this Shift of energies on Earth and for humanity affects what is available for the collective and for Gaia. And, what you believe is affected by your interpretation of what is offered to you by the collected and by Gaia.
So, let's consider some of these beliefs about Ascension/Upliftment. Do you believe, that you personally must experience turmoil, pain, hardship and lack in order to ascend/uplift your experience into the frequencies of your Light body? If so, it is quite logical that you would also expect Earth and the rest of humanity to have a tumultuous and sometimes tragic process to undertake.
There are many other processes of alchemy that access the divine frequencies within, including the vastness of God wisdom available to us. There are many approaches which do not require turmoil, pain, hardship nor lack. Is change required? Yes, of course.
And yet, change can be considered within the realms of personal freedom, personal choice, personal decisions we make in our daily experiences about what is in harmony with our unique God essence and what does not feel in harmony. These choices and decisions relate to anything and everything. We choose. We receive and create and Divine energy in each moment and we can allow it to guide us towards greater and greater experiences of well-being, harmony, self-empowerment, liberation, Sovereignty.
As we proceed in our own transformation process, we create and offer another way to go about this experience of being Divine(ly) Human.
My awakening, activations and subsequent/consistent expansion has not been tragic, has not included anything as dramatic as a "dark night of the soul". I simply realized there was more to me than my mental and emotional bodies so I opened to this truth. I allow. I explore. I discern. I choose. I expand. Gently. Gracefully. Internally guided by a force and loving presence of God that is within all of us, and all...
A fight, battle, war is not required -- but it is offered as a process to expansion, rooted in tens of thousands of years of patterns of belief that the bigger the battle, the better the victory.
Please consider this for yourself and for your visions and expectations related to Gaia and all of humanity. The Divine blueprints in place for this Shift, which all of us assisted in creating and approving, allow for many, many paths and processes to the restoration of humanity's inherent and eternal Sovereignty. There is no "wrong way."
Pole reversal? No thanks.
Pole shift? As gently and gracefully as possible, please, given that the dualistic electromagnetic fields must be fine tuned to allow for these more harmonized frequencies to be brought into form, experienced and made manifest for the overall grid systems supporting physical life on Earth.
Water level changes that lead to death and destruction? Sounds overly dramatic to me - I'm sure as powerful Creator beings we can allow the organic and natural pressure changes in all materials to expand, adjust and harmonize in a way that honors the highest vibration state of all energy/life, and the needed adjustments to obtain greater states of balance in all dimension of the Earthly realms.
We are Creator Beings. This Shifts, and all the other Shifts we have assisted in, do not happen to us. They are set in motion, energized and animated by us as members of this Ground Crew, by our Divine Essence within.
By Consciously choosing your own process, in your own personal life, your human journey, you reflect and energize the process you then make available for the collective, presenting another option to consider and choose by others in their own Divine time. Your personal process also assists Gaia in accessing this processes same Divine frequencies for her Self.
Please consider this for it is important.
We are ready to expand beyond being told/directed/programmed how this shift "will happen"...
We are restoring our Sovereignty remember? Our presence in a human form in this Shift offers us a Commander position in our own journeys. We each do this for ourselves and in the process Shift this reality. One by One. We are here to expand into the vibrations of You, as an infinite being, and how you wish to create it and animate the Shift in your life. That is what makes it real... Re-membering, and opening, and allowing and exploring the light-based frequencies from deep within our personal energy fields.
Water level changes that lead to death and destruction? Sounds overly dramatic to me - I'm sure as powerful Creator beings we can allow the organic and natural pressure changes in all materials to expand, adjust and harmonize in a way that honors the highest vibration state of all energy/life, and the needed adjustments to obtain greater states of balance in all dimension of the Earthly realms.
We are Creator Beings. This Shifts, and all the other Shifts we have assisted in, do not happen to us. They are set in motion, energized and animated by us as members of this Ground Crew, by our Divine Essence within.
By Consciously choosing your own process, in your own personal life, your human journey, you reflect and energize the process you then make available for the collective, presenting another option to consider and choose by others in their own Divine time. Your personal process also assists Gaia in accessing this processes same Divine frequencies for her Self.
Please consider this for it is important.
We are ready to expand beyond being told/directed/programmed how this shift "will happen"...
We are restoring our Sovereignty remember? Our presence in a human form in this Shift offers us a Commander position in our own journeys. We each do this for ourselves and in the process Shift this reality. One by One. We are here to expand into the vibrations of You, as an infinite being, and how you wish to create it and animate the Shift in your life. That is what makes it real... Re-membering, and opening, and allowing and exploring the light-based frequencies from deep within our personal energy fields.
The frequencies we know from home, possibly beyond this Galaxy. Don't consider that possible? I honor your choice in this matter -- it isn't mine :-)
Bringing Home home to Earth is too exciting an opportunity, and we are already doing it. It's already happening. We have everything we need, within each and every one of us. Shifting from within, and in the process Shifting timelines.
Bringing Home home to Earth is too exciting an opportunity, and we are already doing it. It's already happening. We have everything we need, within each and every one of us. Shifting from within, and in the process Shifting timelines.