Photo Essay: The Healing Energy of the O.R.

Reiki Doc's picture

This blog post is nothing but pictures. It captures the tremendous Love of what conventional Healers do. 

I feel electricity every time I step in to the Operating Room. I have seen traumas, ruptured aortic aneurysms, children in auto accidents, grandmothers, mothers-to-be, and just about everyone else. 

I am in close and I relieve suffering. Now I give Reiki too.

Enjoy these photograpsh, taken from images that are not from my actual O.R., to protect the privacy of my patients as is my duty. They capture the essence of 'what it is like' to work there every day, and Heal.

It is only going to get better!


Photo Essay: The Healing Energy In The O.R.

Ra-Raela's picture

Thank you for sharing these pictures with us. It really captures the spirit of the moment! The dedication you guys show is tremendous. I'm so glad to hear from you again. It's been a while and I was wondering what had happened to you. Glad to read, that you are "still at it"! It's so gratifying to know that Reiki has stepped into the mainstream. Here in Sacramento, California, it is an accepted practice at Kaiser Hospital, finally. I would love to see it in every hospital in the U.S. and abroad. It would make a big difference in the healing process that people undergo. Keep up the good works!

Thank you!

Reiki Doc's picture

Dear Ra-Raela,

Thank you for your message of HOPE! I am so glad to hear Kaiser Sacramento is accepting Reiki practice. I sincerely hope they are compensating the Reiki practitioners, and are not having 'volunteer Reiki Masters' do the work. Once insurance covers Reiki, it actually WILL be one-hundred-percent 'main stream'.

Thank you too for noticing I had left and now returned to this blog. I wondered if anyone noticed. Namaste.