This is our full length Pineal Gland Activation audio w/video Program.
The full length audio is available at our website
The full length HD video is only available by writing to us at
Activating the 3rd Eye ~ As we evolve as multi-dimensional beings the piezoelectric calcite crystals of the pineal gland act as receivers of light and information. This audio track serves to access, activate, and increase the "secret of the brain" the Pineal Gland. 22 min. frequency assisted track. Stereo headphones are recommended.
All music tracks are original and the sole property of Source Vibrations. If you would like to use our audio programs for any reason, please feel free to contact us at:
Music: Asa
Video: Devorah Rhea _\|/_
_()_ _()_ _()_With a Love not of this World,
Asa and Devorah Rhea
light and sound are one
interesting how most of these
interesting how most of these visualisations in these videos are an internal view of a torus, much like certain closed-eye visions i've seen