Pineal Gland Part 1 – Portal of Higher Dimensions - Dr. Terry Willard

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pinealcolors Pineal Gland Part 1 – Portal of Higher Dimensions

One of the most won­drous parts of our phys­i­cal body is the Pineal Gland.  It is also called the epi­ph­ysis cere­bri, epi­ph­ysis, conar­ium or the “Third Eye.” It is a small endocrine gland in the ver­te­brate brain. It pro­duces sero­tonin and mela­tonin, hor­mones that affect mood and mod­u­late our wake/sleep pat­terns and sea­sonal func­tions. Its shape resem­bles a tiny pine-cone (hence its name in Latin, pinea, which means “pinecone”), and it is located near the cen­ter of the brain, between the two hemi­spheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thal­a­mic bod­ies join.

Even though this gland is hid­den deep inside the brain and is only the size of a pea, it has been an almost fanat­i­cal obses­sion of mas­ters, mys­tery schools and reli­gions through­out the ages. Rene Descartes, the famous philoso­pher ded­i­cated much of his life to study­ing the pineal gland, stat­ing it is the “prin­ci­pal seat of the soul”. He believed it is the con­nec­tion between the phys­i­cal body and the mind/soul. We also see it play­ing promi­nent in the writ­ings of Pythago­ras, Plato, and Iamblichus, as well as in Egypt­ian, Tibetan and Roman Catholic Church. It is even men­tioned by the Found­ing Fathers of the USA.

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