Pisces Conclave March 11-12, 2013

Lia's picture

Pisces Conclave

March 11-12, 2013 


7 planets in pisces 


Hi everyone, as you may have heard, we have a veritable CONCLAVE of planets in Pisces at the New Moon on Monday March 11. The Moon and Sun will be in Pisces, and so will the planets Mercury, Mars, Venus, Neptune and Chiron (an asteroid that acts like a planet). This adds up to an intensely dreamy and mystical gathering in the most spiritual of all the signs.

If you are sensitive to etheric energies (and even if you're not!) you may be feeling a bit hazy, confused or spacey lately. The fact that Mercury is Retrograde only adds to this feeling. Even Venus and Mars are considered by Shamanic Astrology to be "off the world stage" or "in the Underworld," as they are so close to the Sun that they are hidden from our sight.

With this level of Pisces and other opaque, hidden and retrograde energies, it is as if a thick fog has descended upon us, causing our rational, left-brained thinking to become fuzzy. We see through a glass darkly. But a gift arises from our groping through the mist: because we can't rely on our logical brain as much, our right-brain, creative mind comes alive, making this time especially fertile for dreaming, meditating, and entering states of blissful awareness of higher realities. Here is a precious chance to learn to use our intuition in our daily lives, a habit that will stick with us when the fog lifts.

It certainly is difficult to focus (especially for me, as I sit here trying to focus on writing this newsletter :) But when we come out on the other side of this time we will have been fed by angels, and we will surface with new ideas and visions of Divine Beauty that express the Truth of Oneness. We will be infused with what we intuited in the mist.

yoda pope - Poda We will have a similar CONCLAVE going on at the Vatican in Rome at the time of this new moon as well. As we talked about in my last newsletter (http://ow.ly/iD70) in February the Pope resigned for the first time in 600 years, on the same day that lightning struck the Vatican twice, a meteor struck Russia and we had an unusually close asteroid fly-by. We live in wild and historic times of change, indeed.

And so, on February 12, 2013, the day after the New Moon with 7 planets in Pisces (the sign of the RELIGIONS of the Piscean Age including Christianity and Catholicism) a conclave of cardinals will begin the process of choosing a new Pope. Perhaps we will see one of the world's most ancient religious institutions (with a long history of worldly corruption) shift into a more truly Piscean energy of expression i.e. the Piscean qualities of Jesus himself - Love, Compassion and Peace. Perhaps we need a Yoda Pope? Impossible, you say?? Not in these times! LOL

The Pisces ocean we are floating in right now is the opening act of further flowing and harmonious energies this summer. In the Spring and early Summer we will receive powerful earth-changing incoming from a tri-eclipse portal and from the third (of seven) epochal Uranus-Pluto squares. Then, after a Summer of Love and the flying of kites, in the Fall we will begin to translate all that we've intuited into the language of a dawning New Earth - brought to us by Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn and a powerful Scorpio hybrid eclipse.

So we can relax right now and *ALLOW* as we swim around in this wondrous, nebulous, rich and confusing realm, drifting in the ocean of collective consciousness and tuning in to the Mind of God. Here are some links from previous newsletters where we explored some of the sublime (and siren-song) qualities of Neptune and Pisces. The information might help to spark some seeds for meditation:

The 165-year Neptune Return, 2011
All You Need is Love

Neptune in Pisces 2012 - 2026
14 Years of Sea Change

Neptune enters Pisces, March 2012
Saturated in Spirit

This fertile time of profound intuitive awareness and access to the celestial is a good time for an Astronology Consult. We will channel your chart and receive wisdom from the Author of the chart (you, at a Soul level) concerning Intent for this lifetime. Scroll down for more information and to purchase your Consult.

Spring is right around the corner. Stay tuned for our year's true new beginning at the Spring Equinox coming up on March 20th. By that time, Aries will will have burned off enough of the Pisces fog to clear a way for us. The influx of Aries/equinox energies will provide fire and energy as we spring forward into a really spectacular, transformational and loving year. Use this mystical time well. Bring up precious pearls from the bottom of the ocean to share with us as the Post-2012 era continues to unfold.


Namaste _/|\_

Hands palm-to-palm



Carol Neptune 
carol's Piscean dream


Carol Ann Ciocco
website: http://www.threemoonocean.com/

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2013 ~ planning the path  



There are 84,000 ways to reach enlightenment. There will always be a path that will best suit the capacity and temperament of a practitioner. ~ His Holiness Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje   



An Astronology Consult is a deep initiatic experience into your truest self. In a consult, we engage in a process that ultimately reveals your personal and individual path to spiritual evolution, enlightenment, joy and service to humanity.  



In an Astronology Consult we open up a book of information concerning your innate gifts, talents and strengths. Then we identify how you can *occupy* key points in your chart (such as the Ascendant) that will help you to bring your gifts to fulfillment in this lifetime, accelerating your evolution and allowing you to live in passionate service to others. 



Click here to purchase your consult: http://bit.ly/f7Lb7u

If you haven't had a consult yet, there is no better time to do it. We will bring you up to speed with your own blueprint for spiritual evolution and will take a look at how you can utilize the energies of the next several years to ramp up your fullest experience of life.

If you have already had a consult, it's time for a follow-up discussion. It's a good idea to have a follow-up consult at the time of your birthday, when you get a new chart (the solar return chart) which flavors your upcoming year. But if it's been over a year since your last consult, now is the time to revisit your chart and your transits.


In all consults, initial or follow-up, we look at how the outer planet transits affect you personally, how they have been shaping you for the past several years and will continue to do so during the years to come. This helps in your life-planning processes. 


In this Post-2012 era, we continue to live in a time of radical and even shocking change. Guidance is essential. Opportunities for spiritual growth, joy, greater light, peace, and abundance surround us at every turn. As we re-group for the next beautiful upward spiral of humanity's journey, I'm grateful to walk this path with you and happy to be of service. Namaste



Click here to purchase your consult: http://bit.ly/f7Lb7u



the ocean calls 

Behind the Surface by Nadia Moro

Image: Behind the Surface by Nadia Moro


The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean.
From it we have learned most of what we know.
Recently, we have waded a little out to sea,
enough to dampen our toes or, at most, wet our ankles.
The water seems inviting. The ocean calls. - Sun Gazing, FB

