Planetary Birthday Party ~ Celebrating One Year of Progress in Growing a Global Culture of Oneness

Lia's picture

Although some were fearful that 2012 would mark the end of the world, many chose to joyfully see it as the beginning of something truly wonderful: a new global era that is peaceful, sustainable, healthy and prosperous – one in which we learn to thrive!

On December 22, 2012, millions around the world celebrated the turning point for this new era at our Birth 2012 virtual global celebration. Now, one year later, it’s time to mark the FIRST birthday by sharing what is hopeful, inspiring – and just plain amazing – about what is being born.
It’s up to us to co-create this new era together in the decades ahead. As millions of years of history demonstrate, we DO have the capacity to grow and evolve.
As we face the challenges of navigating the breakdowns of the old, we’re still finding our coordination and equilibrium – much like an infant learning to orient in a brand new world. The development of a peaceful planetary culture is still very touch and go.
However, the signs of new possibilities are springing up everywhere. We’re experiencing the global rise of women, rapid progress for gay rights, innovation of sustainable technologies, growth in enlightened businesses and inspiring initiatives in media and culture.

We’ve also seen new signs of advances in the United Nations, the thawing of long-frozen international relationships, many celebrations of global oneness, and breakthroughs in consciousness.
So let’s join together, have fun and be inspired by all that is positive in making this Shift to a new era!
Here are what some people had to say about the Birth 2012 celebration last year:
Thanks for facilitating this extraordinary global linkup that enabled us to joyfully experience the truth of our connection. We are ONE Universal Humanity, born into a world of infinite possibility, fueled by the power of love.
– Marian Head
The human race is waking up, becoming more aware and mindful. I really did feel a shift on December 21st and know that the incredible global events focusing on prayer, meditation, positivity, joy and hope are having an effect on this shift, too. Could be that we created a self-fulfilling prophecy. But it doesn’t matter. It just is.
– Mari Smith
Oh, how can I put into words, the reality of how this moment feels/felt... and I was there! In real time! Oh thank you, Creator, for keeping me alive to be a participant in this moment. I will never forget!
– Deborah Hart Yemm

Here is A Link to them

Here is a Link to The Earth Ally Room, Solstice Portal and Planetary Birthday Party Live all day December 21st 2013 at this Link:
