CHILDREN OF THE SUN HUMANITARIAN FOUNDATION The Planetary Grid Transmissions Full Moon Lunar Eclipse! Wednesday~ November 28, 2012 With unified meditation, receiving and transmitting during 4 synchronized times:
Sydney, Australia: 8 pm Country of India: 8 pm Paris, France: 8 pm New York, USA: 9 pm
Planetary Grid Transmissions ~ This Full Moon Wednesday
Unified Focus ~ Realizing our Powers of Co-Creation
In addition to the Full Moon energy, there is a Lunar Eclipse occurring on the same day. This will serve as a powerful amplifier in support of our unified focus to realize our collective powers of co-creation.
It is at this moment in our evolution that we develop our abilities to authentically co-create with our beloved Father Mother God and the Councils of Light. As a result of Soul Absorption, we may increasingly know and experience ourselves as pure consciousness, living life in a human body while radiating a force of light that greatly affects every person we meet and every creation we desire to bring forth through our illumined form. The mastery of true co-creation emerges when we are operating from "divine personality" and we have established a direct connection with God. Having fully actualized our intimate connection with Source, we can now realize ourselves as one of the great builders of form and a mighty creator within the planetary scheme. This Rite of Passage sets into momentum the greater awareness of "how" we magnetize our new creations while serving as a fully conscious Divine Human through which the group consciousness is functioning. We are preparing to walk in the world as a true servant of the Divine Plan while working with a completely different mode of manifestation. Through this initiation, we may develop expanded abilities to wield the power to transform instantaneously. We may be granted the ability to effectively wield the Sacred Fire, command the elements and even positively manipulate atomic matter. This increase in ability also comes with the knowledge that we, of ourselves, can do nothing. It is the Great Spirit within us that quickens all desired acts of our greater service. When our mind, heart and entire nature is reanimated to Spirit first and foremost, our motivations are enlivened with the divine power of co-creation. Each preceding Rite has brought us to the point where our awareness is now completely focused in the Group I AM Consciousness. As we become more acutely aware of the divine purpose of our group, we give more of our self in which to cooperate intelligently.
Our smaller plans and ideas will gracefully merge into the greater whole.
This Wednesday, let's meet on the Grid as masters of co-creation, in Divine Relationship with the evolutionary forces of nature and the great devic builders of form. The full text to this Rite focus and it accompanying Mp3 transmission will be released this Sunday with the Rite of Passage announcement.
Receive Energy Transference from our Light Transmission Team REALIZING OUR POWERS OF CO-CREATION From the power of God Immanent, we are here to assist all Planetary Light Servers in realizing their innate powers of co-creation. We come to you as a Unified Field, one Group Body... and the tangible points of light transmission from the Planetary Crystalline Grid.
We invoke and then simply allow ourselves to be used as Divine Conduits for the greater energy to do its work. We are also transmitting the codes of light from our own actualized frequency signatures.
This is a session of direct energy transference and is set into momentum through your commitment and intention to receive and then to make necessary changes in your life and thought perceptions!
The suggested energy exchange is a love donation or "pay it forward". Donations greatly assists the humanitarian momentum of Children of the Sun Foundation
It is through knowing God, consciously living our eternal unity with Divine Principle first and foremost, that enables us to magnetize forth our co-creations from Source as a matter of our Divine Birthright.
With the support of the Unified Field, we are stepping into our mastery as co-creators with the Councils of Light and Devic Builders of Form.
During this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, we are radiating these realizations to those in need of additional support, raising our Global Family into this Divine Partnership.
Those of you who KNOW there is NO greater power than the God within you, please transmit your frequency signature and actualized codes through the Planetary Crystalline Grid.
We are asking everyone to utilize the following invocation to assist in the actualization of our collective powers of co-creation. (You may use daily if you wish during the Rite of Co-Creation).
We call forth the Councils of Light, From Shamballa, to share their might. Blaze the flames of Love, Wisdom and Power, Increasing in strength with every hour.
Let this Light flood our being, So through God's Grace we can redeem. Awaken our Three-fold flame within, Our time as Masters can now begin!
By and through the Sacred Fire, We magnetize our every desire. From the centerpoint of knowing God, We wield the mighty platinum rod.
Great Devic builders of Natures forms, Assist us now to calm the storms! Work with us in perfect flow, As co-creators who always know.
We are masters of the Unified Field, Transmitting all that we have healed. May we drop our notions of linear time, And realize the truth of the Life Divine!
From the core of our beloved Sun, We call forth the light of the Infinite One. This outer sun also flames in our heart, Increasing the Love we can impart.
May every power that we possess, Come forth in perfection and manifest. Our will aligned with God's Great Plan, Universal Law is now ours to command.
We are now Masters of Co-creation, Assisting the New Earth transformation. By and through the Law of One, As God's Wills it, it shall be done!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
~ Rites of Passage ~
1. Personal Sessions of Energy Transference
Our Light Transmission team stands at the ready to assist any planetary light servers in need of personal support. Please contact us to receive this heightened level of assistance.
2. Center of Illumination
Weekly Transfiguration Chamber - During the Rites, the majority of the Center's membership base is gathering each week for a concentrated focus of transmitting and receiving the Sacred Fires to assist in grounding and stabilizing our group field. |