Please Join The March Against Monsanto May 25 2013!

TheFlashRon's picture

Talking about the march against Monsanto! You MUST join!
Here's the Google Doc with all the events listed (locations).
They keep adding to it, so keep checking back if there isn't one near you. Or, organize one! Or, take a road trip! :)
Most of the activity right now is on/through facebook. If you don't have a facebook account or don't use facebook, I'm working on getting each local organizer to supply an email address. So if you don't use facebook and need more information, you'll be able to email the organizer in your city, or the city you're planning on going to. :)

Here's the web page:
Here's the main Facebook page for the event:

I'll be in NYC ♥

I know it's a "march against Monsanto" but I like to view it as a march *for* a healthy, sustainable, ethical food supply.
Remember (as I always say), every time you buy something, you are voting and standing for something! By purchasing something, you are giving it energy and power. As much as you can, buy organic and from family farms. If you can grow your own, awesome, go for it! These are things you can do continuously; but we have reached a point where we must act more, and quickly; these types of gatherings are important, not only to make a statement, but to bring more awareness! So we can grow our numbers... those of us who are "fighting the good fight", for the light ♥

Apologize for the lip sync malfunction, I don't know why it decided to do that for such an important video, but I didn't want to redo it, because my speech just gushed out, and I didn't want to redo and fix something that came out as it was intended (with a technological glitch alongside it). If it irritates you, just look away. Just focus on the content, yeah? :)