“For I don’t need you anymore”
I don’t use you anymore and you may not use me anymore. To be upfront with you I must say that you make me puke, ill, tired, and sick, you get me in trouble over the most meaningless issues. You turn them into major fall-outs, break-ups, heart breaks, altercations, dramas, sorrow, pain, fighting and even war.
You are about to become powerless.
With your use, you have placed me in states of shame and guilt, you have made me loose connections with wonderful Beings, you have cost me jobs and careers, you have cost me large sums of abundance in many ways, you have been the most unproductive motivation in my entire life.
I AM a Being of pure white Light, and now that I have made this Higher Self discovery, I’m going to tell on you for what you really are, and I’m going to tell the entire population of all my brothers and sisters so you no longer interfere in my relationships with them and myself any more. Yes, it is discloser time for you.
This is due to the fact that I have seen you use every one of my brothers and sisters, as they have used you. Now it’s time for you to pay the piper as I hereby “pay-it-forward” to those that I Love beyond what could ever be measured.
I know that you are a sleigh, clandestine, dirty rotten scoundrel, and that you hide behind many titles and disguises, but “NEVER THE LESS NOT MY WILL BUT THAT OF THE HIGHEST ORDER BE DONE.” So I will now name you to all.
Not only am I going to shine The Light on you, but I’m going to show all Beings on Gaia how to do the same. And here’s the “kicker,” I have no doubt what-so-ever that they will all respond to this, as it will assist not only all others to a degree of transformation not limited to the boss, the spouse, the employees, friends, parents and children, but all they relate with and to.
But in like manner it will bless them in their personal life so much that they will look back in awe wondering why they didn’t do this sooner.
And if there was any authentic way I could guarantee this to work for them, I WOULD, because anyone who applies it, it WILL do the same for you as it has for me and countless other children of our beautiful Mother Earth.
Ready: Will the real “fake” COME ON DOWN, that’s, if you can get any lower than you already are!!!
It’s first name to be announced after careful consideration of all of “it’s” cohorts that it disguises it’s nasty little self within.
Here is some of it’s nasty cloaks.
Just attach “ego” to all of the following. Anger, rage, aggression, frustration, irritation, agitation, resistance, arrogance, anguish, anxiety, drama, discord, disharmony, distrust, dissatisfaction, dishonour, dishonesty, dissolutionment, disconnection, disallowance, distress, all the other “dis’s,” seperation, hurry, worry, depression, melancholy, lonilyness, grief, agony, sorrow, apathy, inertia, emtiness, poor me, self-pity, aloof, intimidation, interrogation, victim, blame, judgment, condemnation, slander, gossip, criticism, justification, remorse, resent, revenge, fear-based self-defeating programs, vows of poverty, lack, want and limitation, manipulation, lying, cheating, stealing, deceit, and controlling of others. If I missed anyone here, please feel left out.
All these are but avenues of how you sneak up on the unsuspecting,
There is a cure for those who house you and I'm about to give it.
And fear will continue to win until the one it is winning over stops feeding it. And at that moment in time, the winner becomes the one brave enough, strong enough, courageous enough and wise enough to cut the cords between self and all the aforementioned under the one “over-title” as "fear" to all of these, it's relatives.
“Let there be Light, let there be Light, let there be Light,
where I AM that I AM”
“I AM pure Divine Light, I AM pure Divine Love, I Am pure Divine Joy,
I AM Spirit Above.”
“I AM a Being of Pure White Light”
(verbalize these in 3s)
These are mantras, decrees, prayers that are far above in vibrational resonance to fear, and where they are spoken, fear cannot dwell nor take up residence.
“By My Word this all exist.”
Personally I have most successfully used the “Violet Flame” to transmute this evil one. As this, The Violet Flame is the Perfection of God, and nothing can even get close to It that is not alike It.
If you prefer to title it, Christ Light, if it's of Light, it's all the same "Thing."
Just go to goggle or your URL and pull up “Violet Flame” and you will find the most powerful decrees ever given to man kind.
No man made charges or fees.
~Let there be Light on Earth~
David porter-Author of remember who you are, the awakening