Pleiadian Contactee, Robert Potter, on Coast to Coast AM Radio Show Last Night

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Pleiadian Contactee, Robert Potter, on Coast to Coast AM Radio Show Last Night

First Seen at American Kabuki




Robert Potter is an associate of Cobra's who's doing much the organizing work behind Cobra's Laguna Beach Conference November 23, 2012. 
I met Robert Potter about a month ago for lunch. He is a charming man, an energetically very much like myself.  He felt like a long lost relative is the only way I know to describe his energy and personality.  He felt like family.  I don't know why he feels that way to me.
He's an interesting man, and his adventures with Dr Fred Bell are quite amazing tales.  They'd make a good movie screenplay.  I don't know a whole lot about him or the Dr. Frank Stranges personality behind much of what Robert Potter is doing.  They seem to be very close.  I think Dr Stranges represents one of those secret societies that Sheldan Nidle is always speaking about.
I will not,  for reasons I won't go into now, be going to the Laguna Beach conference. This should not be taken to say that I am in opposition to Cobra, or Robert (who seems to me to be a very sincere individual and a very likable human being).  Robert is the kind of guy I could hang out with. Very Californian! That's how much at ease I feel around him.  Maybe that's just the effect of those Dr Fred Bell Pleiadian Scalar Energy medallions? :)
He's quite a good speaker on radio, I was amazed at his speaking abilities, you can get the MP3s from the URL below of his interview with John B. Wells.  What follows is the show description from Coast to Coast AM:

ET Contacts & Intervention
Date: 11-08-12
Host: John B. Wells
Guest: Robert Potter

Filling for in for George, John B. Wells was joined by Robert Potter, who has been experiencing UFO contacts since 1975 with (the late) Dr. Fred Bell in Laguna Beach. Potter said he's been working with a man who goes by the code name "Cobra," who's been releasing information in regards to an ET/Inner Earth or "Agarthan" network that's helping our planet to heal.

There's a "galactic enforcement codex" being enacted due to regressive ETs' (Greys, Reptilians etc.) genetic manipulation of humans-- the positive ETs, who are part of a Galactic Federation, are arriving to help us remove the "hostile force that has been here for 26,000 years," he said. The Earth has been in a semi-quarantine position because we were infiltrated by these forces during the Atlantean/Lemurian times, which led to a destructive planetary war, he continued.

As we move through the Galactic Plane, and more light is hitting our planet, humans have evolved, "and we're beginning to reestablish our galactic humanity, and our membership to the Galactic Federation," Potter announced. The hostile forces or "lower astral beings" are being cleared out by various higher dimensional beings & spaceships, and the underground bases of the Illuminati and secret cabals "have been cut off at the knees, and their attempts to create WWIII have been thwarted," he related. Yet, the negative forces have used such things as chemtrails, vaccinations, HAARP, and GMO foods to genetically alter humanity, he lamented.

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Potter described some of the encounters that he and Fred Bell had with Semjase, a Pleiadian being of light, as well as accounts from contactees such as Frank Stranges, Alex Collier, and Norm Paulsen. The displays of space fleets/UFOs, which began increasing in intensity around 1991 in Mexico City, "are part of the process of identification and preparation for open interplanetary exchange," he noted.



Pleiadian Contactee

Ra-Raela's picture

Now there's a woman who I would love to meet; Samjase. I couldn't stop looking at that face. It excudes so much, can't really put it into words. Beautiful and wise at the same time. My heart just opened to this image.