Pleiadian Council, Council of Angels and Archangel Michael: Galactic Command Center in Santa Fe

Lia's picture

March 28, 2013 by The Golden Light Channel 

Above photo: the intersection and merging of the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies is symbolic of new relationships forming between Earth and other galaxies. Photo courtesy of NASA.
Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.



I am very excited today about being a part of the new Galactic Command Center in Santa Fe! I think this is not a coincidence as I see myself eventually moving there and also see myself as an integral part of this rapidly growing group! I was so excited to learn of this project !!

Yes we are excited as well and you will joyfully be a part of this group and center which will be one of our first planned comings and welcomes to Earth. We sense and share your strong desire to connect with us your Pleiadian family, and with many others to connect with their original star families, for remember earth is an experiment and all of you originated from other star systems originally such as Arcturus, Orion, Sirius, Andromeda, the Pleiades, and other star systems and galaxies. We are all in the process now of reuniting… First through communication and later through planned visitations and finally open relations with all star systems as well as inter-visitation of those who desire it to visit our star nations and your original home planets. Your earth and peoples are in the process of becoming full galactic citizens, of coming back into the galactic fold once again… we say once again because many eons ago when your earth and peoples were of a higher frequency, there were inter-relations with other star systems and beings. Indeed much of the crystal and time travel technology in Atlantis was from the higher dimensional realms and other star systems.
As your planet and peoples now enter back into the higher dimensions we are able to communicate with many of you, such as this channel, as your vibrations and frequency begin to come into a higher realm to match our frequencies so that we may communicate with you. Many of you, such as this channel, have pre-birth agreements to assist with communicating with us and with re-establishing intergalactic relationships, as well as with the creation of harmonious portals of light such as this Galactic Command Center in Santa Fe, wherein we may openly and lovingly visit each other. We are so excited for this planned galactic center in Santa Fe, this will be the first of many springing up all over your earth.. In the “future” – which as you know is the NOW because all is happening in the NOW – there will be galactic command centers all over your planet so that there will be free, open and harmonious relationships with other higher dimensional beings from all over the universe.
We are so excited and honored that you are planning a sacred space to welcome us and we know that many other star systems are excited about this as well. We are all honored and most graciously accept your invitation to set up a planned welcome center for us and all higher dimensional benevolent star beings! You may wish to set your intention that this command center will attract and allow only benevolent beings who are in alignment with Source Creator and this can be part of your charter mission so that you only attract those who are of the Light into these centers. We and the angelic realm surround your new creation with the light and love of Source. Know that this mission is also blessed by the Angelic Realms and the Ascended Masters yes we are all here now lovingly watching over and assisting with this most beautiful creationary project and stand ever near to assist in its creation and formation.
We from the Pleiadian realm send you our most gracious blessings and gratitude for bringing this interdimensional and intergalactic portal center into Being and stand by ready to assist with this project from the higher realms. Your new earth which is already in existence in the now is a beautiful harmonious place where cooperation, harmony, unity, brotherhood, sisterhood and love prevail as all who are existing here realize we are all One emanation from Source. We send to you many blessings of love today and look forward to a harmonious, loving, and joyful reunion and relationship with you in the NOW moment.
Greetings we are the Council of Angels and Archangel Michael we wish to tell you today of our joy and excitement surrounding this sacred project of Earth’s first Galactic Command Center. We from the heavens as emanations from Source wish to bless you and this most loving creationary manifestation of the coming together of earthlings and higher dimensional beings from other star systems and galaxies. This will be the charter interdimensional portal of many such “welcome centers” on earth for harmonious intergalactic relations and we of the angelic realm bless this with much love and light. We stand ready to assist bless and infuse this manifestation with the eternal love and light of the Creator Source who wishes for love and harmony to exist between all beings in the multiverse. We are ever near to you all and always nearby to call on for assistance guidance and love. We send you our softest light and love on this day.
For More Information:

There will be a new website coming into formation soon for the Galactic Command Center in Santa Fe. Stay tuned!

For more information on this group and project, visit:
Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.

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