Biding your time until the next phase of humanity’s collective evolution is a sure way to see some of the inner workings of the machinery of human social management within the matrix of planetary creative unfoldment. You can tell yourself everything is going along as normal, or you can say that it’s all coming down in a moment’s space of alarm and awakening. It is possible, as well, that the picture you might see if you step back from the screen of projected collective reality is one of big changes happening everywhere at once and throwing a wrench into the workings of many a conspiracy theorist or catastrophist. If you only knew what is in the offing, you would integrate a lot of the brokenness that plagues your social body, in the moment of knowing the unknown. It is for you to create as well as discover the surprises you have as a people set in motion to become reality, and the truth is, that is exactly what is happening right now. You’ll have the proof of that soon enough.
Hitting the big time in the corps of humanity in the fire of purification is like driving into the center of a black hole and coming out intact but completely changed on the other side. You will learn the truth of wholeness as you allow the forces of integrational physics to tear from you the nonsense that you have allowed to pass for meaningful reality, and then the validity of having everything you could dream up is going to seem pretty silly. Even if you could have everything you wanted, what would you do with it the day the world turns into a different world altogether? If you have any thoughts about the kinds of things you would like to keep handy, you might re-think those thoughts after you knew what that new reality would be like. If the kinds of things you dream into being are the likes of having those things you need to live well despite the outer reality changing into something not to your liking, then that is worth considering for a moment. You don’t have to be specific, as long as you remain open to embracing the new reality that inevitably will unwrap itself over the next several weeks. There are to be shifts in alignments on all levels of your experience, and this will create a necessary adjustment of the internal systems that function in the reality you know and love. You are not going to be in the company of demonic forces, though the reality of them is for many people very real. Instead, the reality that is coming into form is the truth, the lessons, and the judgment from your own self on how you think you’ve been doing all along the bumpy road of life on Earth. There will be a moment for you to consider that before the distracting noise of 3-D reality brings you back to your senses, just in time to participate in the unraveling and reweaving of what you have considered to be your world. In other words, take a breath to assess your path, learn the lessons you have not yet mastered, and get ready for the rest of the show to go on. You don’t have to be fancy about all this, since it won’t be in any way what you expect it to be, anyway. If you can get in the flow then you’ll be just fine.
Big movements are in the making underground and above the Earth. You have been watching for them, many of you, and others have not even noticed. Either way, things are moving, and set to move more as the Sun completes its recently lit highlighted tour of the neck of the universe you call home. You may have noticed, or you may not have, that the tides and skies are following their own set of rules unlike the norm. Higher and brighter, more movement and more heat. This is just a sample of the things that are brewing, and it is time for the truth to be told about the state of your neighborhood in the cosmic sense. Have you ever thought about the reality that would liven up the planet if the world’s sustenance were to be bent a degree or two toward the Sun? In other words, if the planet is going to continue to keep the lifeforms on it alive, it has to be at the constant inclination toward the star Sol and no further than the last notch in tilt. If it works, you are in the line up for a thoroughly new adventure without the worry of catastrophic changes getting in the way of your enjoyment. If it doesn’t have a better movement soon, though, the time ahead could be troublesome to say the least. It depends of course on a lot of things, one of them being the conscious alignment of humanity towards soul. That is the best factor for you to be concerned about in the day-to-day existence of business as usual. Above this is the soul of the planet aligning in harmonic resonance with the oversoul of the galaxy, but the best thing for the individual person to do is to link up their awareness with the twin resonance of soul. In this alignment, things slide naturally into the best lineup for everything to hum into harmony.
This signature of light that is beaming from Sol to Earth is messaging each of you to become more attuned to this linkup that is part of your natural environment and in-vironment. It withholds nothing in giving you the push to break free from the bonds of harmonic restraint forced upon the planet in a brutal attempt to control it and harness it in the great game of power. You have incorporated yourselves into the game, knowing out of time that you would be bringing the age to a time of transformation and willingly putting yourself into forgetfulness for a time to be of service to the greater purpose of the game. On the surface, the power of the few to control the many is one that has a lot of you with a bad taste in your mouth, bitter and unsatisfying and dirty. However, there is a greater, deeper purpose to the game, and that is one that transforms not only the game, but everything, and gives you a satisfyingly full and rich knowing of the true nature of nemesis. The bid for the few to control the many is in some sense the struggle for the individual to live in a sea of emotion, wired to the electromagnetic spectrum of anger, jealousy, gratitude, and love. You have played the whole thematic sine wave and now you come to the point of what to do. You have a choice, and the next step in the energetic matrix of events is one that could take you into a new reality of endless blue skies or something less than perfect, it is up to you. You have the power that those in power would rather not acknowledge, and that is the power to bend a ray of light around a thought particle and change the trajectory for what unfolds. In an instant, it can be. In the next, it can change. Fear can become peace and hate become trust. It is the tiniest bend at light speed that can make a huge difference in the final outcome. If you have the energy to wrap yourself around that thought, it will be worthwhile to consider.
Now that the time has come for real change to become part of your world, there is not time to lose. In the coming months you will see more change than you anticipated. Help is at the end of a call and will be with you shortly.