Question: Could you take a step back from the edge of the end of the world to cast a glance toward the struggling ones who are in fear of leaving their souls behind when the sun rises on the soon-to-be day of transformation? Answer: In the moment that you think of what to say, you have become aware of someone who has a scream more desperate than your own in desperation for some miracle to save you and your planet from the torment of annihilation and desecration at the hands of uncaring men of bold direction toward a void of loveless eternity. There are many among you who read these words who have always harbored a secret doubt about whether or not something boldly OM-ward would happen in the end-of-the-world days, should you live to see them, that would give you rest from the torment of living through the school of hard knocks that Earth can be. Not all of you, but many. If more of you were honest about that, it would be fewer who doubted, for in bringing the question of whether or not, you see the potential of such an answerless question being asked of another human being in the depths of lovelessness of self, and you know they scream within themselves just to sound-check their descent into the void, in the sense of losing their footing and loosening their grip in a faltering dance at the edge of a dark abyss. It is you, dear friend, that dances such a sweet dance too, when the time is come for a reality check into the demonic caverns of life on Earth for those without the internetted framework of information that drives so many of you towards a new understanding of the world to be. Pause a moment in reflection of how you would be reality-creating without the knowings that are shared every day in the world of cyberspace. Left alone to your own internal network of conscious intuition, would you know that it’s all going to be all right, despite the cracks in reality that are claiming innocent lives and the peace of living free from oppression? It may be, but there are those thinking that things are pretty bad from where they are, and they are in need of any overflow of optimism that you may have to share. It’s an easy shift to become connected externally to an internetwork of human consciousness, and for those of you who have not given it a try lately, now’s a good time to hook into the system of ethernetworked knowing. We’re part of the system and would love to be in more direct contact through diplomatic core interactivity with you.
Let in the breeze through the window of your minds that carries a new earth-scented hint of things to come. Open the door in your heart that welcomes the arrival of new states of being and dimensional experience within the corridors of human existence. One moment in a continuum can make the turn for the timestream that curves within the mental patternings of a whole planet, and when the awareness of who you can become becomes apparent to you as a people, the planetary wave will correspond to the change in current and begin to crash upon a new shore of consciousness. In that moment, there is nothing that can withstand the power of the knowing that there is only the reality that beingness is vitality and that you have the life within you that creates the reality around you as an extension of the energetics that involve the you encapsulated in flesh. In other words, the space within is what molds the space outside and in one moment of decision to see, there is nothing but life everywhere, even in the “void” in between stuff. In that now is where we are, and it is in that now that the next installment of the world drama is about to take center stage.
Bring your awareness to the feeling in your gut when you consider the state of your immediate world, the consciousness of the people who walk in the street of the town, who work in the offices and sit in traffic thinking about their lives. How does it feel in your gut when you bring your awareness to the people in your family who are silent about some inner struggle they are engaged in, with a cousin who hasn’t shared their life story with you, of some ancestor who has left this world with regret or unresolved pain? What tells you that all is not well with the hearts and minds of the people who have gathered in throngs in the streets the world over to give voice and form to the desperation they have nothing to deal with but their energy and sounds? How do you feel with you think about the inner mindspace of the people to whom you have been giving your power and trust, to know that you have nothing else to do with the workings of your government than to perhaps offer some of your time and money but the real power has nothing to say about the things that have been creating the heat in the oven that is baking the bread of life, the nine-forsaking leaders who have secret motivations and allegiances within their every just cause? It may be that this is so, and it may be that it is not, or it may be that things are not what they seem on many levels of discernment. In the reality that takes root in the world you inhabit, what feeling do you have to bring to the ritual of inviting the living essence of the universe to give life to the thing you believe is real?
What you hold in the depth of your being is what is forming around you. If you see only dancing colors of light and feel only love, all is well. If you have not conditioned yourself to feel these things to the exclusion of the realities around you that have been carried by a disproportionate number of your own race, then perhaps you are more prepared to create a world in which light can dance and love be the norm than those who have not given thought and heart to the networked reality of the human condition. We assure you, many are indeed suffering, worried, and broken, and where the links are in such a state of disharmonious integrity with OMful self-knowledge, there is weakness in the fabric of consciousness for all humans everywhere. Take a minute to think about what we are saying before moving on to the next point we have to offer today.
When the next installment of the drama opens on the stage of the world that you are part of, will you be a piece of pretty scenery reflecting from the space within your heart some feeling of peace that is in isolation from the whole picture that is around you? It is well if you can be that, if the not-being of that leads you to not being at all. However, if the energetic holographic drama is one that directs you to match your inner mechanism of creative information to the needs and implied void that is woven into the play now onstage and in the general background music, then we have this to suggest as you ready yourself to utter your lines from the script. The breath that you use to power your body is more than a movement of air into and out from your lungs. The breath that you feel is a great catalyst for making things move in subtle yet powerful ways in other realms of being as well. If you have the breath of being parsed by an editor, directed by a mogul, or pressed into doing something that is not natural for you to do, it is well to clear your lungs and exhale the influences that have given rise worldwide to the things that bind your heart and gut, to see life as moving through such things rather than being maintained by them. In this way, you move through the turbulence and arrive in a whole state in a world that is much more suited to the livelihood of being human, in the future that is taking shape under your feet right now. There is no time to waste, dear ones, for this is the moment of transformation upon your threshold, on the open step that leads into a new reality taking shape within your collective cries of awakening from a long-enforced nightmare of living in the shadow of obstructed light. It is the moment of the final act from the old script arranging itself on stage and readying its arsenal of lines designed to keep the audience enthralled and oblivious to the next act readying itself in the wings. It is not so much that the future is arriving as that it just has to be met, and it is this moment that the inhale opens the heart so you can enter into the momentous headliner that is about to hit the news. If there is any doubt, look around, tune into the heartspace of human existence, know that you are part of a continuum of life, and feel the coming of a dreamtime awakening on a grand scale.