Greetings Beautiful Ones,
Today we are prepared to bring you opportunities for your assistance which can begin immediately. Some of you are already familiar with these ancient customs which are now becoming necessary to adjust DNA light frequencies as one nears a personal transition.
We will place these Wayshower positions as you are accustomed as titled positions. These positions offer opportunities to serve in a very integral way to serve as light weavers of the cosmos.
We are asking as many of you who would like to become ONE HEART in these following 2 ways.
The Dreamwalker GUARDIAN (earth native traditional)
The Watcher GUARDIAN (also earth indigenous)
If you feel a tug to either of these, if you are confident you know how to stay heart-full for another, please transfer to the 7 Sisters website which has been created for better understanding of the activity of the Pleiadians. There of course is no fee, no charge, and you do not need to register. We just ask your integrity. If, after reading the descriptions of either or both, you have additional questions you may find the way to contact on that site.
I am being told not to place the descriptions here... please understand, these positions are considered very sacred and important to the weaving of the silver ascension threads.
We ask your patience in this delicate matter...
PAGE: The WATCHER LESSON 1 (menu bar)
We love Your Love,
MaAlaea, Guardian Star
ONE of the Pleiadian Star Elders