- 4/8/13
Dr. James Hansen, who has worked at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies for 46 years and was director since 1981, has announced his retirement. Hansen wants to spend more time to focus on science and make it clearer to the public.
Dr. Hansen along with Pushker Kharecha and Makiko Sato recently issued a commentary titled 'Doubling Down on our Faustian Bargain'. You can read it in its entirety right here.
Why does the rate of global warming seem to be less this decade compared to what it was during the prior 25 years?
The surge of fossil fuel emissions, especially from coal burning along with the increasing atmospheric CO2 level is fertilizing the biosphere and thereby limiting the growth of atmospheric CO2. It also appears that the aerosol cooling effect is probably increasing.
Below are some of the more noteworthy excerpts made in the commentary in regards to CO2 growth and the impact of aerosols on the climate over the past decade.
For more on this story please see