Post Full Moon of Scorpio
This Full Moon of Scorpio, with the 11:11, and Mars sextile Jupiter, and Sun sextile Pluto, has brought in much ascended and restructured ascended forces of life to the planetary/galactic/universal life system and its members.
These new ascended life forces are empowering the creation of ascended life and living.
This new level of the ascended planetary/galactic/universal life organism is now functioning and preparing for the upcoming ingress of Jupiter into Capricorn in December, and the further ascension of the destined Creator Avatar Race Planetary/Galactic/Universal Home Planet-Star Organism.
This light and love has been directed to all of you by a collective of beings. They are a fifth dimensional collective, and they are representing all of the major star systems throughout the galaxy. They have come together to assist humanity in your shift in consciousness. They know that you are at the center of the shift in this galaxy. They have come together largely because all of these beings understand how important it is to support humanity.
They are the Fifth Dimensional Lightbringers, and they have been targeting areas where they are much more likely to be received. They have been sending their transmissions of light and love to various hotspots across the planet, and in the near future they are going to be looking more towards the major cities around the world where they are less likely to be received, where the hustle and bustle keeps people from opening up to a large degree.
But they have seen success already in the parts of the world that they have targeted. We are talking about Machu Picchu, Mt. Shasta, Mt. Fuji and other areas where people go for the purposes of finding themselves and experiencing spiritual growth. They will also be targeting the areas of the world where there has been a great deal of conflict, where there have been many bombs dropped and bullets fired. From what we can see, this group of Fifth Dimensional Lightbringers is going to succeed in helping more and more individuals raise their vibration, release their fears and judgments, and they will be partially responsible for a great deal of humans having more compassion, and more forgiveness, and more unconditional love in their hearts.
These wonderful extra-terrestrial beings know that they are related to the humans of Earth, and many of them feel responsible for the Earth experiment and where you are right now.