The Power of Leafy Greens – 5 Green Nutritional Heroes

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By: Christina Sarich, 09/27/2013

spinach greens 263x164 The Power of Leafy Greens – 5 Green Nutritional Heroes

Leafy greens are some of the most important super foods we can put into our bodies. The nutritional content of leafy greens are like adding the power of Iron Man, Super Man and Wonder Woman all into one. When we fortify our bodies with the power-packed nutrition in greens, we can enjoy elevated energy levels (just like a super hero), a quicker mind, and most importantly, protection against disease. Greens do everything from mitigate cancer cells to keep us from dying of a heart attack. In fact, ‘the optimal Primal plate is overflowing with mineral-and-antioxidant-rich plant matter.’


Leafy greens can be eaten from so many different types of vegetables and plants. When you make sure they are organic and not GMO, they will sustain your body and mind in incredibly surprising ways.


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