Dear Friends,
New Moon is Wednesday, July 18 at 10:25PM Mountain Daylight Time. This New Moon marks a time of triggers and activates the stormy winds of change. This could be both literal and metaphorical. Use this new moon time to anchor something big; some new direction, commitment, realization, relationship, move, initiation or project. Decide from your heart and not someone else’s. Ask for help and trust in spirit. Find the still point in the upheaval around you. Reset and adjust to accommodate whatever change you are invited to participate in at this time. Pay attention to what is showing up and do the work that is presented to you no matter how difficult and challenging it may appear to be. It may seem dark and murky and unforgiving and fruitless at times but the rewards are just around the corner and they can be really big! If you don't throw your power behind an intention that you really want, spirit may throw you a big zen stick. So take the power. If not now, when?
Written by Patricia Liles
Contact her at:
NEW MOON Sun and Moon in Cancer ~ 26º
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 at 10:25 PM MDT
New Moon represents the out breath as we let go of the previous cycle and begin anew. When Sun and Moon join, we make intentions for what we want to see grow and expand with the growth of light with the Moon's increase. With the Moon in her own sign, Cancer, ruling emotions, one might ask, 'What do I want to FEEL in this next cycle?' - at peace, excitement, productive, inspired, connected....?
Cancer is the Mother aspect of the Feminine and rules nourishment and support. As a cardinal water sign she has fluid adaptability, and is gifted in empathizing and feeling with depth and sensitivity by becoming 'at one with' all she comes in contact with. With Cancer's watery, moon-ruled emotional sensitivity, impressionability and imagination are at a maximum throughout the New Moon period along with nostalgia, vulnerability, moodiness and evasiveness. Like the Crab, Cancer's symbol, we may look together on the outside but there are some very vulnerable healings and adjustments going on inside. Be gentle in your interactions as feelings may be tender and easily bruised. We will feel drawn like the tides towards the security of our family/our tribe.
Cancer rules the 4th House of home and our foundations in the zodiac. Here is where your roots reside and your ancestral lines can be easily called upon and activated. You can acknowledge and bless the lines connecting you and your mother's mother's mother's mother's mother... and the lines connecting you and your father's father's father's father's father. They are responsive to your gratitude and appreciation of their dreams and gifts. Send them healing light and love. Then ask for their help. They can send you huge support and guidance to use in this life at this precious and challenging transitional time. They see you.
Because Cancer is ruler of the nourishing organs of the stomach and life-giving breasts, the relationship to food is emphasized. Our renewed relationship with the Feminine and Pachamama-Mother Earth is revealing the sacred relationship between food and our spiritual consciousness. The new food movements are strengthening our connections with the elemental plant world and creating social-political consequences as well, as we refuse unnatural chemicals and processes in our food production. It's a veritable revolution! A focused expression of Uranus' grass roots movement for the people.
This New Moon chart contains two on-going T-squares - very important influences and not to be denied. They are working on you whether you acknowledge them or not. The first involves the North and South Nodes activated by Neptune. The Nodes represent our trajectory of where we've been and where we're headed in an evolutionary sense and we are clearly being challenged to evolve. With the Nodes on the mental axis of Gemini/Sagittarius for the last 18 months we have been learning to release our mental processes from duality and competition and delve deeply in to the belief systems that hold us tightly in rigid behaviors and thinking.
Triggers to the Sun and Moon in Cancer make the task to move the energy from the mental realms of 'too much thinking' to the feeling realms of the heart. Look to the body for clues and direct communication when you are caught in some mental struggle- where is the feeling coming through? anxiety in the belly? can't digest easily? tight shoulders?
The biggest event in the chart is how Mars is activating the square between Pluto and Uranus. The relationship is tense and lopsided like a three-legged stool where you have to work to keep your balance. The effect may be felt the week of July 16-21. Mars, provoker of action and unphased by conflict, may be just the catalyst to move the Uranus/Pluto square into confrontation or upheaval. Let's hope Mars' recent move into diplomatic Libra will encourage negotiation, seeing all sides and fair resolutions on the collective and personal levels. Old values are getting a kick in the pants. Watch what is sparked up in your life and in the news and see how we are learning to show up in new ways to handle disagreement and obstacles.
Saturn, also in Libra, is squaring the Sun and Moon in Cancer. It will take patience and maturity or focused discipline to bring to bear our feelings and intuition and stay out of the mind morass. We truly need to heed the call of the North/South Nodes and work with our mental functions. The Nodes will move to a new axis, Scorpio/Taurus, on September 2, so pay close attention in these final weeks of emphasis on your communication, thinking patterns, beliefs and how you perceive the world. There is much to be learned here.
With solar flares challenging the fundamental electro-magnetic energy fields of Mother Earth and our bodies, we must be gentle with others and ourselves. Channeling your energy into creative projects that lighten the energy and bring joy, beauty and warm, inclusive feelings for everyone is the best use of this Moon time.
07/22 Sun moves into Leo
08/01 Aquarius Full Moon 9:27 PM MDT
08/17 Leo New Moon 9:54 AM