Prayer invocation for spiritual growth & upliftment by Shanta Gabriel

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Divine Presence,
Thank you for blessing me with this Holy Vessel to joyfully fill with my deepest longings and heart felt desires. Help me to recognize the gifts being offered to me and turn my attention to that which I want to see manifest in this time before the spring Equinox. I ask that my Higher Self gently remind me of those dreams that are ready to come forward in my life at this time.

And I invoke the Divine Assistance I may require to fill my life with more Beauty and a sense of accomplishment. Allow me to make friends with the Guidance System that inspires my Higher Self and brings fulfillment of my Soul’s purpose. Remind me to be attentive and alert to the inspiration that is pouring through me in every moment.

I ask that Divine Light fill my being and raise my vibrational frequencies so I may listen with a fuller awareness. Fill my heart with Divine Love so that I may extend this Love throughout my human form and radiate love into the world through my being.

I am so willing to fulfill the impulses of my heart and co-create with the Divine a new way of being that blesses the Earth with all that I am. Help me bring the fullness of my most authentic Self forward into the present moment. Let me use my new-found freedom to create miracles in powerfully conscious ways that serve all of life on Earth at this time.

May all beings recognize the Divine Love filling our hearts in every moment, and may I be a radiant instrument of Your Peace-filled Presence in this Eternal Moment of Now.

Thank you God ! And so it is !

Archangel Gabriel thru Shanta Gabriel
