Predicting Health with Vedic Astrology

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Vedic Astrology is ancient and has tremendous potentials to forecast probabilities that serve as a guiding map in one’s life. A birth chart is drawn based on one’s time and date of birth. Astrologers will be able to give a clear picture of what your birth star is; which planet rules your thoughts and makes you the person who you are right now. It also gives an idea of how your life will be in future pertaining to various areas of life namely health, relationships, finance, career, education and much more. An astrological reading by a knowledgeable Vedic Astrologer will give you a direction, an analysis and a new insight to help you transform your life for gaining more prosperity.

Western masses and people all over the world come forward to use the Vedic Astrology services for its uniqueness; thanks to the ever growing technology because of which astrological readings can now be availed on the internet, over phone calls and even through the latest smart phones.

The key lies in knowing what the planets indicate for you and how it can be altered for the better. If something is very strong in a chart then people think that it can’t be changed so they don’t have a choice but to undergo it, even if it’s hard to digest. Vedic Astrology analyzes the comparative strengths of astrological factors, thereby giving us a chance to alter the strong influence of something, reducing its ill-effects and end up facing fewer consequences.

Health Astro

Health Astrology is a branch of Vedic Astrology that gives you insights of how to manage your physical fitness and take care of your well being by avoiding or being cautious from getting into various diseases, serious injuries, accidents etc. A careful evaluation of your birth chart will disclose the planetary positions of Sun, Saturn and Mars that are said to regulate health and diseases in the following houses;

  • The 1st house reveals general well being of a person
  • The 5th house notifies us the probability of curing or recovering from an illness
  • The 6th house represents your health and physical fitness
  • The 8th house indicates chances of meeting with accidents; undergoing surgery etc.
  • The 11th house talks about diseases and methods of cure
  • The 12th house indicate probability of hospitalization etc

Also, each planet governs specific body functions and parts of the anatomy. For instance; Sun relates to heart, bones, spine and general vitality. Moon relates to blood, stomach, body fluids and heart-mind relation (feelings, emotions and psychological factors) whereas Mars relates to muscles, circulation of blood etc. Likewise, other planets have their own role to be played in governing one’s health.

Thus, health forecasts will help you to understand how your health would be and what precautionary measures you need to get things going smooth in regards with your well being. It gives you peace of mind and knowledge on how to avoid possible challenging health circumstances by alerting you to the timings of probable health compromising conditions.

It will also give you the best days to perform certain Health remedies that will bring down the intensity of the ill-effects that you might need to face. It could include suggestions for reciting certain Mantras, offering prayers to specific Yantras to particular divine beings and archetypes who control or be the overlord of planets that decides the health factor of an individual. However, Health Astrology only gives the probability of the occurrence of events in one’s life. It is essential to understand that it does not recommend treatments for which you need to approach a health professional.

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