Link to Today's Newsletter:
Greetings Love Beings, Many are Feeling the Soul Stirring as We prepare for Major Changes. We Currently are still in many shifts behind the scenes which is preparing for a collective change as Well. You can Join us Today Beginning at Noon Pacific as We Discuss what has been unfolding and what this means for 2014! The Year of Love and Miracles!
Quoted from Discussion Announcement " Major changes are Underway! We have had Some Very Interesting Unfoldments behind the Scenes which is preparing for a Collective Change as Well, We Can Easily Say Love is After the Shock factor for Many this Year. Join Us As We Discuss these Unfoldments and What this Means for this Year for You personally and the collective on the Planet. You can Join us Live Beginning at Noon Pacific till 2:00pm Pacific At this Link:
See Everyone there in these Exciting Moments On Planet Earth=Heart!
Topics Of Discussion: Current Energies and the effects on the ego programming
People Flipping out
Behind the Scene Events, Visions, and Changes
What can we look forward to in 2014, Miracles, Love, and Overflowing Joy, Truly Anything can Happen
What Actually occurred in November and December which Set Us Up, Portal Openings, Comets, Sun Reversal, Eclipses, Solstice
Earth Changes
and So Much More! Feel Free to Bring Your Questions!
Quoted from Today's Earth Ally Message"The Evolution and Freedom that is The Divine Plan Unfolding for All of Humanity Precisely Now, is about Living and Being, The Being Each of US Truly are, THE GOD WITHIN, THAT IS EQUAL TO ALL LOVE IS. So the changes must first begin from within the Inner Being, this is THE ONLY WAY! Once Humanity connects into the Heart Center, which is the connection to the Higher Self, then through this connection, They can embrace WHO THEY TRULY ARE! When connected within the Heart, which occurs only through being completely Present In The Moment Of Now, allows each Being Eternal Life. The Connection from within, is the True Connection To Source, this Is where Humanity Becomes One With Everything Again.
"Humanity has only one option to put away the toys of fantasy and illusion, and then to let go of duality, to step into Multi~Dimensional Reality, where there is Always More and More Grandness of Laughter and Joy, and it only Gets better from there."
~Stay Focused and Grounded into this Present Moment of Now, Where All Love IS~ WE Love YOU~
~End Transmission in All Love IS~
Thank you for Sharing and Keeping us Going We now have 11 Days Remaining to Make Our GOAL we are 2200$ Behind! Thanks for Keeping us Here in 24 Hour Service! We are Supported Only By All of you
Total Monthly shares 1759.09$
Total Goal 4000$
~For everyone that continues to support us each month, not only through funding but also by simply reading and participating, We are Eternally Grateful and So Is Humanity~ Thank You for Spreading and Being the Truth, Love and JOY~ For Being REAL WITH US~
If You would Like Assistance Via an Awakening Session with us, You can Follow this Link: