~ Preparing for Igniting Energies Released~

Lia's picture

Link to Today's Newsletter: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/preparing-igniting-energies-released

Greetings Love Beings, Since we began January We shared it would be a Huge Energetic Month for Incredible Movement. In fact, currently we are preparing for Huge Energetic Igniting Energies throughout this Weekend. Anticipate Lots of waves of Energies if you are sensitive to this. Breathe, Stay Centered! We Are Smack in the Middle of some amazing things unfolding now. You can Join the Earth Allies All day today for Family Fun Day In the 5d Room, All At this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

We are Currently behind for Our Monthly Funding Goal Which Keeps the GFP Flowing In 24 Hour Service. If You have not made a Donation this Month, Thank You for Your Love and Support for this Very Divine Mission. You can Share at thisĀ  Link: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/donate

Total Received 658.77$

Goal 4000$

Quoted from Today's Earth Ally Message" The Divine Plan is very exacting. Minor adjustments are due to those ignoring what is occurring, however, Mother Earth is Ready for her Changes, and has requested all illusion or 3d lower vibrations transform or vacate her Planet. The Changes are Inevitable, and are Happening with or without Humanity being aware.
AsĀ  Result much shifting and changing is underway, in a BIG WAY. The Moment has Come to Set Yourselves Free!

This incoming energy is unstoppable and we are Now Igniting The Heart To Heart Connections to Begin the New Story In Creation, the return of the True Garden of Eden and Welcoming those Ready Home Into Heaven on Earth and Eternity. This will be unfolding throughout 2014! Dreams Of Love Do Come true!"