Psychiatry is a Fraud & is all about Control

earthrise1234's picture



wanderer10's picture

What an amazing video. thank you

The truth about psychiatry

Heather Paterson's picture

These are liberating comments indeed. There is so much that can be done to help others rather than the draconian ways such as orthodox medicine.  As Ghandi said" be the change you want to see in the world" ECT has always seemed to me to be balbaric. Thank you so much for posting this.


Psychiatry Fraud video

amrita2000's picture

The doctor's comments cuts too broad a swath.  Although there are truthful tidbits, to say that psychiatry is a fraud and mental illness is basically a cultural construct that requires a witness to make it true is ridiculous.   Telling someone that prison is better than being diagnosed with a mental illness is absurd when the same person, without appropriate medication, actually is in a prison within their own mind.  I come from a mental health counselor perspective as well as one who suffers from bipolar II disorder, and I can assure you when I had my first major depression, I didn't need anyone else to identify me as a suffering person.   As someone in the mental health profession, I know there are psychiatrists, counselors, therapists who are not good at what they do.  I know there is still a stigma in our society concerning mental illness and that many people who have it are not helped appropriately.  I know that our prisons are filled with people who would be better off being helped in other ways.  And I also know that it's practically impossible these days to be admitted to a hospital for psychiatric care unless you're suicidal or are showing that you are of harm to others.  Even then, most of the time, it's a 72-hour hold and then you can leave voluntarily.  Mental hospitals are being shut down right and left.  I've heard this doctor before and, yes, no doubt there is room for improvement in the mental health field, but his adamant hatred of the psychiatric/mental health profession is overblown.  I know too many people who would be in a much worse situation in life had someone in this profession not helped them.  I wish people wouldn't be so quick to buy into this doctor's diatribe.