Raising your energy vibration {Law Of Attraction}

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Law Of Attraction Students Know That Focusing On A Subject For 68 Seconds Is Enough To Change Vibration And Enhance The Ability To Attract. My Mind Movies Are A Unique Tool That Creates This Focus Easily For Money, Ideas, Opportunities, Connections.

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One challenge with lining up your vibration to the frequency of what you desire is maintaining pure focus on what you want, rather than letting your vibration drift back into your habit of thought about what you don't want. Do you know that even a minute of purely focused thought can shift your vibration?

That's why I created this Mind Movie focusing tool. This Mind Movie helps you purely focus on attracting money, ideas, opportunities, and connections.

in just minutes each day, you will shift your vibration to one of more allowing. With consistent use, your practiced vibration about money, ideas, opportunities and connections will become one of positive expectation. Do you have to consciously think about driving a car? Most aspects are automatic, and it's easy because you've trained yourself through practice and repetition. Creating the life you desire is easier when you train your vibrations to match what you want through practice and repetition. Wouldn't you like it to be automatic that you allow what you want into your life?

The Law of Vibration and Attraction

• Energy that is on the same frequency will resonate and attract.

• Energy that is not on the same frequency will not resonate and will repel.

• Your thoughts are waves of energy that penetrate all time and space.

• Our physical universe is merely a manifestation of our own unseen internal universe.

• Concentration and focus increases the vibration.