Attention Occupy Wall Street, Anonymous and fellow Earthlings.
Fantastic to see OWS back in the park. Do not quit. I recently read " Become the exact way you wish to see your world be and the energy you put into the Universe by doing so will speed up the process." I wish to see my world be free from the controllers. We All know who they are and what feeds them. Money and Fear. I say lets hit them where it really counts. Let's drop them like the sack of potatoes they are. Our next move world wide needs to be not to pay the high interest rates of the banks and corporations. The one day of not buying anything was a step in the right direction. But let's face it, I doubt if that made a dent. I am a Canadian. I believe many other Canadians and others outside of the U.S. may think that the Occupy movement is not about them. I for One see that U.S. simply means US. Every single One of US world wide. All the banks and corporations are owned by the few. The tentacles are far reaching. I for One have decided to stop waiting for the world I wish to see and live the world I wish to see and speed up the process. I challenge All to join me. Do it in Love and without Fear. Fear feeds the controllers and Love invites them to be One with US. I refuse to pay anymore. I have marked my bills " Not at this address. Deceased." For the old me lost in the 3d world of illusion is deceased. Drop the fear of punishment. What are they gonna do gives us bad credit, ha ha ha ha. Give me a break. I don't suggest at first we include mortgages, that comes next. I merely suggest the credit cards and personal loan high interest bills. That alone will drain thier power and put an end to them. Then we can All begin to live the life We were meant to live. In keeping with what goes on in the streets... They can't arrest US All. Follow my lead fellow Earthlings. Lets speed up the process and take back Our lives, Our Planet.
Wonderful words of encouragement, dear JDB... I am following your example of existence for more than 3 years... I am Canadian who does not pay taxes, does not report income, create no income, do not pay any of my 'owings' from mortgages, loans, do not use banking system at all, have no account... I only consume what necessary I need to feed out self... Very minimal, yet very healthy... as all is created with love and no meat... I did not buy any excessive piece of clothing for all this time...
Love you for your courage to talk about this openly... Predrag
Occupy New Earth
Attention Occupy Wall Street, Anonymous and fellow Earthlings.
Fantastic to see OWS back in the park. Do not quit. I recently read " Become the exact way you wish to see your world be and the energy you put into the Universe by doing so will speed up the process." I wish to see my world be free from the controllers. We All know who they are and what feeds them. Money and Fear. I say lets hit them where it really counts. Let's drop them like the sack of potatoes they are. Our next move world wide needs to be not to pay the high interest rates of the banks and corporations. The one day of not buying anything was a step in the right direction. But let's face it, I doubt if that made a dent. I am a Canadian. I believe many other Canadians and others outside of the U.S. may think that the Occupy movement is not about them. I for One see that U.S. simply means US. Every single One of US world wide. All the banks and corporations are owned by the few. The tentacles are far reaching. I for One have decided to stop waiting for the world I wish to see and live the world I wish to see and speed up the process. I challenge All to join me. Do it in Love and without Fear. Fear feeds the controllers and Love invites them to be One with US. I refuse to pay anymore. I have marked my bills " Not at this address. Deceased." For the old me lost in the 3d world of illusion is deceased. Drop the fear of punishment. What are they gonna do gives us bad credit, ha ha ha ha. Give me a break. I don't suggest at first we include mortgages, that comes next. I merely suggest the credit cards and personal loan high interest bills. That alone will drain thier power and put an end to them. Then we can All begin to live the life We were meant to live. In keeping with what goes on in the streets... They can't arrest US All. Follow my lead fellow Earthlings. Lets speed up the process and take back Our lives, Our Planet.
Love your Courage...
Wonderful words of encouragement, dear JDB... I am following your example of existence for more than 3 years... I am Canadian who does not pay taxes, does not report income, create no income, do not pay any of my 'owings' from mortgages, loans, do not use banking system at all, have no account... I only consume what necessary I need to feed out self... Very minimal, yet very healthy... as all is created with love and no meat... I did not buy any excessive piece of clothing for all this time...
Love you for your courage to talk about this openly... Predrag
Thank you for your words.
Thank you for your words. Confirms much for me, nice to know I am not alone. I follow your lead. Espavo my friend.