Re-Post ~Jennifer Hoffman~ Q&A: Where Are My Angels & Guides When I Need Them?

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Dear Jennifer:  I have been asking for guidance from my angels and spirit guides and I feel like they never answer me. It isn’t fair that I feel so unsupported when I thought they were here to help me and are supposed to be offering guidance when I need it. What can I do to get more clear and consistent responses from them and do I have any angels and guides supporting me?

Jennifer’s Answer: Getting answers from you guides and angels depends on the kinds of questions you are asking, how you are asking them, and how you are listening. They can support and guide you, but not when you are asking out of fear, despair, from your belief in disconnection or your anger at yourself for taking this journey in the first place. When we are in fear, our angels are close by but they cannot connect. When we ask and ask and don’t stop asking, we are not quiet enough to hear their answers. If we forget they resonate at the level of joy and need for us to be open to new solutions and transformation, we don’t put ourselves at the level at which they can connect with us. They can help you find a new path when you open that door for them.

Angels and guides are our support team, their presence is always a part of our journey but only when we remember that we are all one, all connected and we are never disconnected from Source. When we stray from the path of our own light, by thinking that we do not have all of the resources available to us to create anything we want and to overcome any obstacle, we block our access to any spiritual guidance, even that of our personal support team.

How are you asking for help? Are you asking them to rescue you, tell you what to do, to take you home or to take care of your problems? Those are things they cannot do. As spiritual beings, they cannot cross the 3D barrier but they can enter your energetic space when you open the door by releasing your fears and being open to enlightenment. Questions they can answer are something like ‘show me what I cannot see in this situation,’ or ‘help me see where I am limiting my connection or understanding’. Then you will get answers. You also have to get to the point where you stop talking and let the information come to you. As Archangel Uriel used to tell me, ‘we heard you the first time.’

I know that the journey here can feel very lonely but we are truly never alone as long as our awareness is open to our multi-dimensional connections. The density we live in can be oppressive if we are focused on the density. But there is always a solution that we can co-create with the Universe, which our angels and guides are part of, as long as we stay within the awareness of our connection. Some of the anger you feel towards your angels and guides is anger at yourself, for feeling so powerless, for not achieving your dreams, for being scared, and for not moving fast enough on your journey.

What is it about this journey that you need to learn so you can remember to use your divine guidance in more powerful ways? If you aren’t getting answers to your questions, ask different questions. And then stop asking, answers come in the silence and stillness of the peace of our heart, not in the busy, fearful chatter of the mind. In your own stillness, which you can only access when you are not in fear, you will get the answers you need and then when you are able to know how you connect to your guides and angels, the answers to your questions will always be available to you.


Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. all rights reserved. You may quote, translate or link to this article, in its entirety, as long as you credit the author and include a working link to this website. All other uses of this article are strictly prohibited
