The Heart Songs are recorded when you listen to music. The emotion that you have when you listen to a particular song, determines where they are stored in you Heart Song data base. If you are in a very good mood and your favorite song comes on the radio, that song gets stored in your good mood Heart Song data base. When you are hurting about something, say, a break up, and you constantly play that particular song, when you feel that pain, one of the Heart Songs you heard while feeling this emotion will automatically play when that emotion is felt. Its like a ipod in the heart that sorts out the songs according to emotions. Heart Songs can also recall a memory of the emotion you were feelings when you recorded the song in your Heart Song data base. That is the best way that I can explain the Heart Song. Most of these gifts I understand are really natural so bear with me when it comes to explaining how or why is transpires.
Love Nageeta