pleiadedolphininfos Thursday, February 7, 2013
So much has been happening over the last month or two, energetically speaking. I know that most of the changes we’re encountering are not yet visible or audible when we use our original 5 senses, but trust me when I say that they are really out there. They seem to be coming to me in the form of strong and impossible to ignore inner promptings, that border almost on obsession; the push to relocate my family, to clean up my finances and embark upon what is turning out to be an amazingly clear career-path. The intensity and subject-matter of the messages and guidance will vary greatly from person to person, but the overall theme seems to be pretty much the same:
• Begin following your true life-path. This could mean anything from studying for and embarking upon a new career. One which puts you in a position to help others, improves the condition of society and helps to raise the collective vibration of Humanity. All in one fell swoop!
Relocation. Yes, it definitely seems that a lot of us are being shuffled around lately, or being told to, anyway. Why is this, you may ask? The answer I’m being given by my own Angels and Guides is that our energy is now needed in different places. We’re like Human transmitters, and simply our being in a certain locale not only shifts the location’s physical vibration, but activates and awakens the other people around you. Since December 21st, our own vibrations have altered, and our own newly upgraded energy might be more compatible to that of the place to which we are being drawn.
• Clean out your closet and take out the trash. I actually mean this both literally and figuratively. I know that this is not exactly a new message, but the Guides are telling me that we can’t procrastinate about it anymore. All the crap in our closets and garages that we can’t bear to get rid of (even though we haven’t even looked at most of it in years) is containing within our homes the lower vibration of our old, 3rd dimensional paradigm – the one we have been trying so desperately to detach from! The same can be said for toxic relationships that make us feel bad about ourselves or cause us to get angry.
Of course, these are only a few. One of the biggest things my friend, Susan Davis, and I were told to do is to really buckle down and wholeheartedly commit to a daily yoga practice – which we’re now doing together. We were both guided to take the certification course to become teachers, as this is to be the platform we’re to use to bring our messages and healing practices to the masses - and that we’re to help each other to do this. I’ve found that during Savasana, both of us are receiving clearings and Angelic communication. (Never skip Savasana, ever. It’s such a great time to connect!). Here’s what I’ve been getting every day…
As I’m lying down flat, I clearly see and feel a Tube-Torus opening up and spinning around my lower 3 chakras. I’m watching as the Torus is clearing out layer upon layer of old beliefs systems pertaining to lack, self-confidence and control. I saw and felt it clear out the attachments that were drawing to me parasitic and non-resonant relationships, and leading me to make poor career choices. Then, from the top of the Torus, I saw sparkling jewels of every color spiraling down and pouring into all of my chakras, and filling up my heart. “These jewels represent abundance”, I heard a male voice say to me today. “They signify the security you shall need in order to thrive and live your soul’s purpose. Observe this in the form of a new and more healthful approach towards finance, and as a loving and supportive husband – one that you now have well within your own power to make manifest in your physical life and that of your family.”
I have started a whole new category on this blog, for the messages and insights I receive during yoga. If any of you have stories to share from your own sessions, both Susan and I would love to hear them. Blessing and love!
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