by GLR Doreen Virtue
The energy continues to be incredibly intense. Like an ocean rip tide, fighting against the energy just makes things worse. Instead, relax into the natural flow of this energy and you'll actually enjoy the benefits it brings to you.
For example, this new energy is a perfect time to take an honest inventory of your life, and question everything. What are you ready to let go of? This is a supportive time to release the old and welcome in the new.
Don't worry about HOW to make these healthful changes, as the details and support are already provided to you on the spiritual plane. Make the changes in your mind first. In your mind, move to a wonderful new location; enjoy a meaningful carreer; feel your healthful lifestyle; love your newly manifested friends. Imagine and feel all of your positive changes as already being true right now. Send love to your positive changes, to invite them rapidly into your life.
Remember that everyone around you is experiencing this same energy. So if your friends or family seem unstable or upset, don't take this personally. Like you, they're questioning everything and considering making changes to align their lives with their hearts.
I am sending love to you and everyone on this planet as we adjust to taking positive action steps. No longer are we willing to compromise, pretend that everything's okay, or ignore painful situations.
It's all about taking positive and divinely guided action now. It's all about putting Love into Action. It's all about doing the work that you were sent here to do.
AND it's all about living without regrets!
With Love,