Responding With Peace

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Responding With Peace



 by GLR John McIntosh
Most of the world is still unaware of the massacre that took place in Norway a year ago today – July 22nd, 2011, nor are they aware of the unique response to terror that the people of this tiny country immediately displayed.
They embraced the terror upon their peaceful country ‘with’ Peace and proclaimed that this act of senseless brutality would not sway their focus on Peace and the open armed generosity they show to many around the world who are terrorized.
Within hours of the attack hundreds of thousands of Norwegians resolved to share their Love even more, carrying roses in cities and towns across the nation in an act of solidarity the world has never witnessed so dramatically and spontaneously before.
Norway and Norwegian are an example of what unconditioned Love can BE and whether they realize the depth of their heart-filled response to hatred, the effects upon the collective consciousness of humanity, sleeping for thousands of years to the Oneness we Are, is rippling out and breaking through the deeply entrenched conditioning that has held us apart.
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