by John McIntosh
Hope is perhaps one of the most sacred concepts in the weaponry of the split ego-mind. It appeals to almost everyone as a thread of last resort when all else seems to be crumbling around it and is held up as a trophy-attitude for the brave.
Few challenge its insidious nature …
In the realm of Truth, of Freedom, of Peace … hope has no meaning for ALL THAT IS is Now. There is no distant ‘time’ or ‘place’ where things will get better or you will attain to some more pleasant experience.
Freedom is Freedom Now and does not appear in some distant future if you can just cling to hope, hang on and bravely try your best. Even bravery or courage is an illusion since it suggests that there is something to fear.
‘Fearlessness’ recognizes there ‘is’ nothing to fear. This does not mean that the body and your experiences cannot be threatened … all temporary experience can and is threatened in every moment … but it is not Real … it is not Freedom nor the Peace most people imagine.
‘Nothing real can be threatened’ we have been told and this is True. And nothing that is not True or ‘real’ exists in reality … only in dreams.
Hope is an attitude within dreams that longs for better conditions than what is currently in one’s life.
This is not to say even in the dream of separation, of duality that you should simply sit back and dwell within conditions that are less than what you wish to experience. Within the dream, you have the power to create whatever experience you wish to have … but they will still just be a dream no matter how much ‘better’ they seem to be.
As God, we split Our Self – referred to as The Fall – the ‘fall of conscious Awareness’ that we Are God … so that we could experience Our Self in infinite versions of Life manifested … it was not a mistake.
And in this illusionary experience most call reality, you can be and do and have anything you wish … this ability has only recently (within the last 100 years or so) been shared with the bulk of humanity as their inherent creative faculty. You see this everywhere promoted as The Law of Attraction … the current version of ‘what the mind can conceive of and believe in it can achieve’.
But no matter how much of the manifested possibilities you choose to create within this beautiful dream, it is still not Real. ‘You can have it all’ as they say but detachment from ‘it all’ is the open door to Real Freedom. It is the experience ‘of’ the dream, without the control of the dream over you.
Hope is not required in the dream … you have the ability to sculpt the dream you are living in any way you wish simply through the thoughts you allow to flow through your consciousness.
Nothing that you do create will give you anything more than a variety of manifestation and will always leave you wanting … which is an aspect of the Divine Discontent that is the ‘crumb’ trail’ Home to Freedom, to Peace, to Real Joy.
Many are Now at that point where what this world of dreams offers – of their own making – is not enough. They do not Hope for a better life, they simply Choose a better life … the Real Life … the Awakened Life of Freedom, of Peace, of Abundance, of Joy that they Are … not ‘have’ but ‘Are’ as expressions of the Oneness of God they Are.
And this too is easily remembered … not in some far off ‘time’ when you have qualified through the correction of the so called errors you have made … ‘there are no errors in a dream’.
You simply make the Choice to Be Truly Free … to Awaken to your True Nature and the Truth within you … (like the Father rushing to the prodigal son who sees him coming from afar) … will rush to greet you.
There will be issues of conditioning that have kept you blind that will emerge when you make this choice and these are blessings since you need to embrace these illusions in order for the Truth within in you … the God You Are … the individual I Am Presence, to transform them back into the Love You Are.
You do not resist anything!
You keep your Attention on the Truth … the God your Are … the Freedom you Are … the Peace you Are and quickly, the remembrance of this returns to you and you Awaken.
You see this Now occurring everywhere on our beautiful planet.
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Dates are an's
Dates are an's just a TEST to see how many humans continue to believe after there is nothing that physically happens in the 3d reality. HOPE is false....but when u meditate u find answers & real Honest proof of who u are & what your objectiv is here as a Light worker.
NOTHING will ever happen in the 3d because the frequency & vibration levels are too Low, you can only raise your Vibration to see them with your heart & 3rd eye chakra.
As long as u have "hope" you will always have "dispair".....they were here before Aug 4th & they will be here forever. They are just Waiting for us to mature we can reach them!!!!!
It is only up to us as an Individual to look within.....they can't do it for us. Remember the bible also says when the End comes there will be a great separating of the "Wheat from the Shaft." Dates are just Test.....that is all.
<3 Priscilla