The Road to Q’eros messages from the Andes ~ May 13, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture

Angel Wings and Unicorns May 13, 2013



“It has become apparent over the last twenty years or so that the world’s indigenous shamans have tapped into the dreaming at large of the planet and humanity as a whole.  In response, cultures such as the Q’ero peoples of the Altiplano region of the Andes have sent representatives to the lowlands to inform us westerners that we are dreaming the wrong dream. To change our distorted dreams, and by association the world we live in, the shamans say we must learn to use the power of our thoughts and our creative imagination”  - Awakening to the spirit world – Sandra Ingerman and Hank Wesselman


This is what is meant by ‘it is up to us’.  We must begin now, to dream this new dream … through our hearts and our minds and our great creativity we are able now to dream into being the world of light.


The opportunity is upon us … the time is now … and it is up to us.  This is saying ‘YES’ to life.


With all my love and no fear I greet this day and say yes!  I say yes to dreaming a new way of life into being.


Deepest munay to you all
good morning, afternoon and evening  -  let us begin today to imagine what this new life will look like!

