Roswell The Truth

Rain's picture


GFP Note: On July 7, 1947, a spaceship piloted by Greys crashed in Roswell. Bodies and wreckage were recovered by the U.S. army. At least one survivor was probably recovered as well.

Governments around the planet had been working with The Illuminati and The Greys for a long time by 1947, so "those in the know" did not learn anything new when this ship crashed. Roswell is an important incident because the soldiers who discovered the crashed ship were not "in the know" and spilled the beans, so to speak. For the first time that we know of, evidence of the big secret had been revealed to the public. And ever since, The Cabal has been trying to put the Roswell cat back into the bag.

Reminder: The Illuminati left the planet in the 1990s and turned back to The Light. They are now helping us with our mission. The Cabal/minions/Greys have no real power anymore. The minions are surrendering and the Greys are dissolving.

Love won! Keep shining your Light!


heart     heart      heart      heart      heart      heart      heart 

Roswell The Truth

Published on Apr 3, 2013 by UFOchannell




Vinshero's picture

i thought it was the illuminati spraying us with chemtrails, everytime it rains the plants die, usually they just get scarred by sun after rain, now they get black sludge all over the leaves and they all die, chemtrails make plants less tollerable to temprature change and sunlight...

but still there is a possibility we spray the skies ourselves in the false belief that we protect purselves from dangerous sunlight...

love and light

"Illuminati" means illuminated ones

TheFlashRon's picture

Emerged originally from the mystery schools and later as elites from the Knights Templer and the Free Masons. I agree with Rain about their lack of participation in the dark agenda.

The minion controlled US Air Force is directly responsible for the aerial spraying of megatons of nano-particulate aluminum, barium, strontium, cesium and others as part of a multipurpose agenda to enhance radar propagation, modify the weather and cull the population.

If the effects of what they are spraying had not been interfered with by the forces of Light, most of us would have been killed off by now. The levels of aluminum alone are enough to have caused horrendous health issues in entire populations by now.

Humanity is on course within the Divine Plan and there is absolutely nothing that the minions can do about it.

Blessings, All

In answer to your comments...

Rain's picture

Please check out this section of the FAQ and thank your for participating in a great discussion!

 Earth History/Illuminati/Cabal
About 13,000 years ago, negative ET forces took control of Earth. They became known as “The Illuminati.” In the 1990’s these ET Illuminati turned back to The Light and left the planet. However, their human minions, known as “The Cabal,” refused to return to The Light and continued to run the planet and control Humanity.

The Cabal is made up of people like The Pope, Queen Elizabeth, The Black Pope and some Jesuits, members of some wealthy families like the Rothschilds, some Freemasons, some politicians, etc. The Cabal is being dealt with now and is falling. Some Cabal members, like Kim Jong Un, are being held in containment and showered with Light until they can embrace it again. Some have been taken off-planet. Some are being dealt with in our existing legal systems. Some have been engaged by The Underground Resistance Movement.