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Good Morning Dear Readers!   “There is no global climate change happening!”  Does anyone really believe that anymore?   All we need to do is look out our windows and check our calendars.   February has been a disaster to so many of you and our thoughts and prayers are with you of course.   We are snug and well for the most part.  Grandson and family will be traveling to California to see our daughter this weekend – she is the only one that lives far away from us, but keeps in constant touch.  Family is becoming even more important in these times of confusion and we are fortunate indeed for today’s electronics to be able to communicate so easily.  Call someone in your family, just to say hello.  As those of us whose years are piling up miss out on being close, we need to hear from family more often.  Let’s March into this new month with a lot of determination and acceptance – we are the offspring of a Mighty Creator!

Masters, what do you see coming up in March for the world at large?

MASTERS:   “There is good reason to be worried about the weather during these months of climatic fluctuations.  The storms racing across the world have produced much concern and a great deal of damage.  Is it over yet?  No, afraid not.  Forecasters, even spiritual ones, realize that the frequency modulations around the planet are being produced by the slight movement of the earth within your solar system as it moves into its new situation.  Heat at the core is still causing prodigious melting of ice at both poles, producing flooding of lowlands.  Artic lands are receding as sea levels rise, causing native peoples to move further inland.  Sea levels around the world are rising , especially along the European coasts.  And so on. You can read all this for yourselves in the many news reports you receive.  What we can do for you is to pin-point what the weather conditions may be for the coming month.  Perfect predictions are not realistic because of the constant changes within the earth and from atmospheric frequencies from the Sun flares that are pretty constant now.

We are seeing at this time constant storms racing across the North American Continent, causing still more heavy snow, rain and tornadic activity.  It’s not over yet.  The proverbial lion of  March will be roaring again.  Keep enough fuel on hand to last for a few more weeks and plan for power outages.  We see the northern states and Canada being hit pretty hard the first few weeks.  Southern states should expect a lot of flooding when temperatures rise.  Homes near rivers should prepare for rising waters.   The drouths of this past year will be cured to some extent by the extra snowfall, but we feel they may still be a problem to farmers in the coming months.   Knowing and preparing is your intelligent answer to all of these irritating confrontations.

Europe is not escaping these abnormal weather oddities.  Heavy snows in the mountains continue to cause problems for transportation and commerce.  Constant small earth movements are causing avalanches and cracks in mountain roads.  Mideastern countries are suffering more from the heavy frequencies in this part of the world that are causing uprisings and conflicts.  There is such a strong sense of finding a common ground and a way for all people to live comfortably without harsh overlords, that there will be no end to it until a few more months have passed.  Then new leaders will be found and these people will finally find some measure of peace.

The southern parts of the world are being beset by the actions of the seas as the plates beneath them are still moving and shifting.  Tsunamis will continue to be reported, but we do not see that they will overcome any land areas.   Temperatures will continue to jump around in weird ways for another two or three months, making agriculture very challenging.

Much is being said in your writings about a new sense of spiritual unity coming over the Earth because of these changes, and that is very true.  When disaster hits, one goes within to find solace and seeks help and understanding from others.  You all have the courage and strength of the souls that you are, and hard times make it clear that you need to understand this and let your inner thoughts and feelings guide your ways.  That is your gift from God.  Stand fast now and help yourselves and others to keep your lives on an even keel.  You do know how.”


 From the Masters:


“The word “Comfort” comes from ancient roots, for its meaning of easing sorrow or the pain of problems is an inborn compassionate response to the misery of humanity.  Giving help and understanding to those who have suffered personal loss or injury when there is that awareness of the need from others to be able to cope with grief or illness is part of humanity’s greatest gift from the Creator.

That gift of Compassion and the need to comfort the sick or wounded is also an instinct that the animal and bird kingdoms have been given.  Creatures of the sea lack this gift that they may feed off of the dead or dying fish around them in a natural food chain.  Only the whale and dolphin families are different, for they care for their own without exception.  Sensing the spiritual vibrations of human beings, they often take care of them, too, saving them from drowning or towing them to safety from deep waters.  They are among the most compassionate of God’s creatures, for they have not learned violence or hate.

In today’s world millions of people are still losing their homes, their possessions, their ways of making a living, seen their loved ones killed or terribly injured, and entire countries are being brought to ruin.  The misery of long lines of people seeking refuge, food and water, stumbling across sometimes arid wastelands, is almost beyond belief or understanding to those of you who snuggle down in your warm beds at night.  Skin color, religious beliefs or cultures all have the same deep hurt and feelings of hopelessness, it matters not.  The uncertainty of being attacked by fanatical terrorists or being overpowered by  hysterical mobs is laying heavy upon the minds of  people in many parts of the world, whose ways of life and beliefs are thought to be unacceptable by men and women who have been brain-washed by power-hungry and misled leaders.  This is not a pleasant way to live; the effects on the minds and hearts of children in those areas are leaving them with a sense of constant fear and insecurity, even when home safe with their parents.    Still, even in ancient times those who recognized the presence of a Living and Loving God knew that Hope is eternal.

Many heartsick and suffering people have great difficulty opening their hearts to someone else, as the grief, the hurt, the resentments, trigger an inner defense system that pulls a person into themselves, wanting to be alone and suffer in silence.  Those who want to comfort such a person need to realize that this is a natural reaction to sudden tragedies and losses.  The person needs time for the mind and nervous system to accept the reality of what has happened before they can even  start to communicate again.  Still, they do not really want to be alone – the loss of a loved one creates a vacuum that is almost impossible to cope with.  JUST BE THERE!   Be quiet, do some hugging if they are willing, make some hot tea or hot chocolate, take care of the household chores, and see that the grieving person does eat regularly, even if only some nourishing soup.  A whole group of chattering ladies, or men, talking about their own problems does not create a calm atmosphere.  One real friend or loving relative does much more to bring a sense of reality and calm into the picture until the shock wears off.

When you are suffering, in pain, grieving, lonely, and no one is around or cares to surround you with comfort, what can you do?  Then it is time to remember, to accept the reality of the spiritual being you truly are, and of the Universal Love that abides with you at all times.  When you can, calm your mind, even for a few minutes, open your mind and heart to that healing Love that will pour into your wounds the warmth of Love and caring that can come from no other source.

Really expressing comfort is a very personal thing.  It comes from the heart of one, giving and sharing with another and is more than thoughtful words and a hug, it is an aspect of the inner love all human beings are born with – the caring that is had for a person, a family, people of different color, religion or social attitudes, who are suffering misfortune, grief, terrible living conditions, loss of homes and family possessions, and the list goes on.

One cannot give comfort to any of these without the sincere caring that produces feelings of compassion that are actually felt in some way by the recipients.  Kind words of comfort are ineffective without the recipient really feeling the love and caring behind them.   Written communication can be welcomed, if the writer can really express his or her thoughts from the heart in a clear way.  It can be spoken over audio communication lines, if the voice can echo what is felt in the heart.   Financial contributions to organizations who send food and supplies to those who need them are also a way of sharing your love and concern, if you feel sure those monies are going to the right place.  Let your inner being show you the way in this.

Being a comforter is not always easy, it is an act of love, generosity and genuine caring that comes from within as the natural response to help another.  Holding the hand of another is to share your love through an energy exchange that is nature’s way of bringing people together.

Then, Let Go and Let God.”



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Ruth Ryden

2806 N. Apple Lane

Payson, Arizona,  85541-7328
